This is a .NET Bring API library and module to integrate with EPiServer Commerce. Currently it supports these Bring APIs:
- Shipping Guide API
- Tracking API
- Booking API
Start by installing NuGet packages in you project.
Install-Package Geta.Bring
For EPiServer Commerce you have to install two packages. First package - Geta.Bring.EPi.Commerce, should be installed into your EPiServer Commerce Web site:
Install-Package Geta.Bring.EPi.Commerce
Second package - Geta.Bring.EPi.Commerce.Manager, should be installed into your EPiServer Commerce Manager Web site:
Install-Package Geta.Bring.EPi.Commerce.Manager
To start using Shipping Guide API you have to create new ShippingClient with provided settings.
var settings = new ShippingSettings(new Uri(""));
IShippingClient client = new ShippingClient(settings);
ShippingSettings requires at least one parameter - clientUri, which is the base URI of your Web site.
To find estimated delivery options you have to call FindAsync method with query parameters and type of the estimate.
var query = new EstimateQuery(
new ShipmentLeg("0484", "5600"),
var result = await client.FindAsync<ShipmentEstimate>(query);
There are three types of estimates:
- DeliveryEstimate - returns estimated delivery options,
- PriceEstimate - returns estimated price options,
- ShipmentEstimate - returns estimated delivery, price and GUI information options.
Query requires at least two parameters - ShipmentLeg and PackageSize parameters. Additionaly it can have more parameters according to your needs. Full list of parameters:
- ShipmentLeg - query parameter to describe shipment source and destination by providing postal codes and/or country codes,
- PackageSize - query parameter to describe package size in grams, by dimensions or by volume,
- AdditionalServices - query parameter to describe required additional services. List of available services: ,
- Edi - query parameter to describe if EDI is used,
- Products - query parameter to describe required products. List of available products: ,
- ShippedFromPostOffice - query parameter to describe if shipped from post office,
- ShippingDateAndTime - query parameter to describe package shipping date and/or time to Bring,
- PriceAdjustment - query parameter to describe price adjustments. Prices can be increased/decreased by percentage or amount or fixed price used.
To start using Pickup API you have to create new PickupClient with provided settings.
var settings = new PickupSettings();
IPickupClient client = new PickupClient(settings);
To find pickup points there are 4 different methods to use.
client.FindByZipCode(PickupZipCodeQuery query);
Query requires that CountryCode and ZipCode are set.
- CountryCode - Country. Possible values: NO, DK, SE, FI
- PostalCode - Postal code.
List of available additional parameters:
client.FindByLocation(PickupLocationQuery query);
Query requires that CountryCode, Latitude and Longitude are set.
- CountryCode - Country. Possible values: NO, DK, SE, FI
- Latitude - Latitude. Geographic coordinate specifying the north-south position.
- Longitude - Longitude. Geographic coordinate specifying the east-west position.
List of available additional parameters:
client.FindById(string countryCode, string id);
- countryCode - Country. Possible values: NO, DK, SE, FI
- id - Id of pickup point.
List of available additional parameters:
client.All(string countryCode);
- countryCode - Country. Possible values: NO, DK, SE, FI
Full documentation:
To start using Tracking API you have to create new TrackingClient with provided settings.
ITrackingClient client = new TrackingClient();
Default constructor do not require any parameters, but there is available constructor which accepts TrackingSettings. TrackingSettings by default do not have any paramters, but you can change endpoint URI if it changes. By default it uses as service endpoint.
To get tracking information you have to call TrackAsync method with tracking number.
var result = await client.TrackAsync("123456789");
The method returns list of package consignment statuses.
To start using Booking API you have to create new BookingClient with provided settings.
var settings = new BookingSettings(
new Uri("http://clientUri"),
test: false
IBookingClient client = new BookingClient(settings);
BookingSettings has four parameters:
- uid - Bring API User ID,
- key - Bring API Key,
- clientUri - base URI of your Web site,
- isTest - mark if test mode in use (default: false),
- endpointUri - Bring API endpoint (default:
To book consignment you have to call BookAsync method with consignment details. The overload of the method can handle multiple consignments.
var sender = new Party(
"Sender Name",
"Address 1",
"Address 2",
"reference number",
"additional info",
new Contact("John", "[email protected]", "98745612"));
var recipient = new Party(
"Recipient Name",
"Address 1",
"Address 2",
"reference number",
"additional info",
new Contact("Tom", "[email protected]", "23654789"));
var product = new Product(
"A-POST", // Bring product code
"customer number"); // Customer number for Bring product
var packages = new[]
new Package(
"correlation ID",
1.0, // weight in kilograms
"Products", // goods description
new Dimensions(10, 10, 10)) // dimensions H W L in cm
var consignment = new Consignment(
"correlation ID",
DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1), // date when package delivered to Bring
new Parties(sender, recipient),
var result = await sut.BookAsync(consignment);
The method returns confirmation information.
EPiServer Commerce module consists of two libraries: Geta.Bring.EPi.Commerce - library which should be installed into your Web site; Geta.Bring.EPi.Commerce.Manager - library which should be installed into Commerce Manager Web site. Geta.Bring.EPi.Commerce contains shipping gateway - BringShippingGateway and types for shipping details - BringShippingRate and BringShippingRateGroup. Geta.Bring.EPi.Commerce.Manager contains required views to configure EPiServer Commerce Bring module.
To list all awailable shipping options create gateway instances for each available shipping method and use GetRate method as in EPiServer Commerce documentation. Example:
CommerceCart.Shipment shipment = ...; // getting shipment from cart
var shippingMethods = ShippingManager.GetShippingMethods(languageId);
var shippingRates = new List<CommerceCart.ShippingRate>();
foreach (var shippingMethod in
shippingMethods.ShippingMethod.OrderBy(x => x.Ordering))
var type = Type.GetType(shippingMethod.ShippingOptionRow.ClassName);
var shippingGateway =
var message = string.Empty;
var rate = shippingGateway.GetRate(
shippingMethod.ShippingMethodId, shipment, ref message);
This example shows how to get all awailable shipping rates. You also can get only Bring shipping rates with specific details and also group them.
var bringShippingRates = shippingRates.OfType<BringShippingRate>();
var rateGroups = bringShippingRates
.GroupBy(x => x.MainDisplayCategory)
.Select(x => new BringShippingRateGroup(x.Key, x));
You can create a partial view to render bring shipping rates. For example:
@model IEnumerable<Geta.Bring.EPi.Commerce.Model.BringShippingRateGroup>
@foreach (var shippingGroup in Model)
@foreach (var shippingMethod in shippingGroup.ShippingRates)
<input type="radio" value="@shippingMethod.Id" group="ShippingMethod" />
@shippingMethod.Money.Amount.ToString("0.00") @shippingMethod.Money.Currency.CurrencyCode
There is available sample view on GitHub. It contains HTML/CSS sample and sample MVC view - Rates.cshtml.
To configure shipping methods you have to go to Commerce Manager - Administration and under Order System - Shipping - Shipping Methods - language start creating new shipping method by clicking New. Provide shipping method details in Overview tab and use Bring Shipping Gateway as Provider. Click OK and open again newly created method. In Parameters tab provide Bring Product, customer number, ship from postal code, price rounding and other parameters.