I am Matias from Argentina and I live in France since 2011. I enjoy programming and designing software systems. My main project is Toro that I have started in 2003. This is a unikernel written in Freepascal. General speaking, I enjoy working on operating system development in which I have to write software that interacts with the hardware. Also, I like to try new things.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on development of Toro unikernel
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to leverage on formal methods to improve software development
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Toro
- Some of my contributions
I enjoy writing articles, making videos and giving talks about different subjects. Those activities help me to understand better why and what I am doing something. This is a non-exhastuive list of articles and talks:
Verifying the Conformance of a VirtIO Driver to the VirtIO Specification
Building VirtIO sound device in rust-vmm project
Making VirtIO sing - implementing virtio-sound in rust-vmm project
Is Toro unikernel faster for MPI?
Running MPI applications on Toro unikernel
Improving the Querying of VCPU Statistics in Xen
Verifying the Conformance of a Driver Implementation to the VirtIO Specification
ToroV, a kernel in user-space, or sort of
Building a Cloud Infrastructure to Deploy Microservices as Microvm Guests
Leveraging virtiofs and vsocket in toro unikernel
Speeding up the Booting Time of a Toro Appliance
Reducing CPU usage of a Toro Appliance
Running MPI applications as an unikernel