- 👨💻 See the live version of this project at WeatherApp (Not optimized for mobile yet)
This is a weather app using the OpenWeatherAPI Users can view the current weather and 5 day forecast of their desired city, all organazied in a simple and aesthetic UI.
I Pursued this project with the hopes of learning about asynchronous javascript and finding answers to a few questions I had in mind.
- JavaScript is a single threaded language. Ok, What does this mean? and what limitations that will impose on me as a developer?
- What is a callback?
- What is callback hell? and how do I avoid it?
- What is a Promise?
- What is async and await?
How promises help us avoid callback hell.
The problem with only using promises. (unorganized code due to asynchronous code being diffuclt to read)
How async and await help us view asynchronous code as synchronous code.
How to make requests to an API and work with the data returned
How to handle errors returned from API
Understanding JavaScripts event loop, that until I watched this video which I really recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ&ab_channel=JSConf
The concept of a "promise" of a future value, ok I assign this variable to be the result of this function, but I don't know when this function will finish executing what does this mean meanwhile for my variable?
discovering that async and await are the best things since sliced bread.
Working with API's can be really fun also there are a triliion of them online for free that you can build cool stuff with!