To use:
git clone
cd dotfiles
# this will overwrite any prior pre-commit and pre-push hooks, so append if that suits better
cp -R git_template ~/.git_template
# this will set the template directory of git
git config --global init.templatedir '~/.git_template'
Any future created directories will have the hooks included.
For any existing Mastodon C directories (!! important !!) do the following: go to the root of the directory, and do
$(git config --path --get init.templatedir)/
This will sync all the .git_template/hooks with existing .git/hooks it will also delete any pre-existing git hooks, so if you have them a copying approach might be better
Git hooks were largely copied from Neale Swinnerton's dotfiles (
To copy the hooks to all the existing repos in a directory (assuming one is in that directory):
current=$(pwd); for i in $(ls .); do
echo $i; cd $i ; $(git config --path --get init.templatedir)/; cd $current
Mac OS X seems to have an old grep version by default. to fix this, the homebrew version is a solution:
brew install grep --with-default-names
this will replace grep. Make sure your PATH has /usr/local/bin preceding /usr/bin or /bin