Machine Learning model for detecting bluffing in a Poker game.
A mini project part of UCL's Affective Computing and Human Robot Interaction course.
Place videos in data/videos/{playerId}
. Video filenames should have the format G{gameId}R{roundId}
E.g. the video of player 2 in game 1 round 2 would be located at data/videos/2/
The Facial Action Coding System (Ekman et al., 2002) breaks facial geometry into smaller parts and encodes how these change over time ('Action Units' (AUs)). An AU is movement of a muscle or group of muscles. For example, AU10 is the raising of the upper lip. AUs are scored by intensity and can encode almost any anatomically possible facial expression.
Full guide by Ekman et al.:
Extraction is done using Openface (Baltrušaitis et al., 2016).
We recommend using Windows. We had success with MacOS and Ubuntu but configuring components is considerably more challenging. For MacOS see and for other UNIX systems see
Requires Visual Studio 2015 without updates ( and Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 (
Download the required binaries here:
Clone OpenFace into your repository:
git clone
Open OpenFace.sln with Visual Studio 2015 and run OpenFaceOffline. In the menu, set recorded data to AUs only. Open your selected files and run OpenFace.
Outputs are saved as a CSV. In the header, a suffix of c denotes classification data and a suffix of r denotes regression data.
To train the SVM model:
python -m feature.svm
To train the neural network models:
python -m feature.keras_models [model]
The [model] argument can be 'mlp' or 'rnn', for example:
python -m feature.keras_models mlp
Our other model attempted to use only the coordinates of the subject's facial geometry.
- Nvidia Docker
# Build docker image
docker build -t face-alignment .
# Launch Docker container
sudo nvidia-docker run -it \
-v ~/Stop-Bluffing:/stop-bluffing \
--rm \
python test/
Run python scripts/
. This will extract the 5s clips as an image sequence and place them in data/frames
Use face-alignment library to extract 3D face landmarks.
You will need a GPU to run this.
python scripts/
After all the necessary data pre-processing is completed, you can now train the model.
python [model]
For example, to train the MLP model:
python mlp
It will automatically evaluate on the test set and show a confusion matrix with Matplotlib.