Windows command line app to pretty print JSON
TidyJson can be installed with Chocolatey
choco install tidyjson.portable
Usage: tidyJson [OPTIONS]
Uses standard in and standard out if input or output not supplied
-c, --clipboard Read JSON from clipboard and write it back to the
-i, --inputFile JSON input file
-o, --output Output file
-v, --verbose Include detailed information in the output
echo {json:'value'} | tidyJson
Read JSON from standard input and write it to standard output
tidyJson -c
Read JSON from clipboard and write it back to the clipboard
tidyJson -o myOutput.json
Read JSON from standard input and write it to the file myOutput.json
tidyJson -i myInput.json
Read JSON from the file myInput.Json and write it to standard output
tidyJson -i myInput.json -o myOutput.json
Read JSON from the file myInput.Json and write it to the file myOutput.json
I originally wrote this so I could quickly format JSON within Vim. To map TidyJson make sure it is in your path and add the following to your .vimrc:
nmap <F-12> :1,$ ! TidyJson -<cr>:set syntax=javascript<cr>
Now when you press the F-12 key, it will format the JSON in the current buffer.
TidyJson uses the following projects:
- MasterDevs.ChocolateyCoolWhip to build and deploy to Chocolatey
- MasterDevs.Clippy to read and write to the clipbord
- Json.Net to format JSON