├── headers
│ ├── generic-linked-lists.h
│ ├── hcompress.h
│ ├── htree-node.h
│ ├── main.h
│ └── sys_headers.h
├── README.md
├── ressources
│ └── init_text.txt
└── src
├── generic-linked-lists.c
├── hcompress.c
├── htree-node.c
├── main
├── main.c
└── Makefile
3 directories, 13 files
This project implements a basic version of the Huffman compression algorithm for english text only. This is performed as follows:
- First, go through the text, and for each character create a node storing it and its frequency.
- Second, append each node to a list.
- Third, sort the list regarding the frequency.
- Forth, get the two least, frequency wise, nodes and creat a sub tree, the min will go to the left, and the other one (the max of both) will be the right leaf.
- Fifth, link these two leaves with a parent node which will have as data the sum of its sons frequencies.
- Sixth, remove these two elements from your list.
- Seventh, insert the sub tree to your list, respecting the order of frequencies.
- Eighth, redo this for each element of your list.
- At the end, you will end up with a huffman tree, that you will need to store.
- First, go to a leaf, while doing that, store the path to it in the appropriate binary form.
- Once, on the leaf, insert to a new list the leaf character and its binary path.
- Redo this for each leaf.
- Then, read the file character by character, for each one, substitute it with its binary path on a binary file.
- At the end, the binary file will be the compressed file.
- First, get back the huffman tree & the binary file ( the compression result ).
- Second, walkthough the compressed file bit by bit, using these to traverse the tree.
- Once, a leaf is hit, write down the character into another txt file.
- Redo this until END_OF_FILE.
- Then, the text file will be equal to the initial one.