JSONTransform is a declarative language for transforming JSON objects based on pattern matching, destructuring, and selector languages.
A JSONTransform document is a kind of template that uses pattern matching to populate values. When applying a JSONTransform to a JSON object, Strings in the transform document that start with = are interpreted as JSONSelect selectors, and replaced with the selected results from the object. There is also a expression language, and language bindings to allow functions from the host language to be called.
When matching the object
"name": {
"first": "Marty",
"fast": "Gentillon"
"address": {
"street": "00000 Fake St.",
"city": "Seattle",
"state": "WA",
"zip": 99999
Against the JSONTransform
"Name": ["@join", " ", "=.name.first", "=.name.last"],
"Address": ["@join", "\n",
["@join", " ", "=.address.city", "=.address.state", "=.address.zip"]]
will produce
"Name": "Marty Gentillon",
"Address": "0000 Fake St.\nSeattle WA 99999"
- the output should look like the input
- The JSONTransform document is a JSON document
strings are indicated with the / sigil, which will be removed from the front. Additionally, strings with no recognized, or reserved sigil will be treated as strings as is.
Language callbacks are indicated with the % sigil at the beginning of an array. They may be implemented various ways.
"subject": "test",
"body": "blah blah",
"bad data": "evil"
{"@keys": ["subject", "body"]}
{"@remove-keys": ["bad data"]}
"subject": "test",
"body": "evil"
[["key1", "value1"],
["key2", "value2"]]
["@assoc", ":root"]
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
operations: [@join, on, *values] [@assoc, list-to-assoc, key-selector default :first-child, value-selector default :nth-child(2)] <# needs a better name #> [@deassoc, map-to-deassoc, value-template default ["@key", "@value"]] [@transform-in, document-to-transform, selector-to-apply-sub-transform-on, sub-tranform] [@concat, *collections-to-join] [@group-by, collection-to-group, key-selector] [@transform, document-to-transform, sub-transform] [@union, *documents-to-unionize] <# how to handle collisions? choose first? #> ?[@select] ?[@reject] ? comparison, tests, and math operators
special keys: @keys @remove-keys @as @remaining
variables? maybe using _, or just using @ syntax