Warning: This package is deprecated. Use MartinSStewart/elm-serialize instead.
The goal of this package is to easily convert Elm values to a sequence of bytes and back without failing to decode or ending up with different values.
Note that this package is not appropriate if you want to handle an external binary format.
Round-tripping is done through the use of encoders (a -> Encoder
) and decoders (Decoder a
) for a sequence of bytes, collectively called a Codec a
import Codec.Bytes as Codec exposing (Bytes, Codec, Encoder)
codec : Codec (List Int)
codec =
Codec.list Codec.signedInt
encode : List Int -> Bytes
encode list =
Codec.encodeToValue codec list
decode : Bytes -> Maybe (List Int)
decode s =
Codec.decodeValue codec s
Ask for help on the Elm Slack.
You can also have a look at the FAQ.md
This package is inspired by miniBill/elm-codec
and reuses much of the API.
It's not a drop in replacement however, see FAQ.md
for a list of differences.