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Bitwise RLE
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thinkyhead committed Nov 13, 2023
1 parent a441508 commit 4e08a02
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Showing 2 changed files with 142 additions and 77 deletions.
39 changes: 33 additions & 6 deletions Marlin/src/lcd/dogm/marlinui_DOGM.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,19 +127,18 @@ bool MarlinUI::detected() { return true; }
const u8g_pgm_uint8_t * const bmp = (u8g_pgm_uint8_t*)pgm_read_ptr(&custom_bootscreen_animation[frame]);
uint8_t bmp[BMPSIZE];
uint8_t *bmp_rle = (uint8_t*)custom_start_bmp_rle;
const u8g_pgm_uint8_t * const bmp = custom_start_bmp;



uint8_t bits = 0; // Persist the last fetched bitmap byte
for (uint8_t *dst = bmp; dst < bmp + sizeof(bmp);) {
for (uint8_t *dst = bmp; dst < bmp + BMPSIZE;) {
uint8_t count = *bmp_rle++; // Get the count byte
const bool uniq = bool(count & 0x80); // >= 128 is a distinct run; < 128 is a repeat run
count = (count & 0x7F) + 1; // Actual count is 7-bit plus 1
Expand All @@ -153,11 +152,39 @@ bool MarlinUI::detected() { return true; }


uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t*)bmp;

auto rle_nybble = [&](const uint16_t i) {
const uint8_t b = bmp_rle[i / 2];
return (i & 1 ? b & 0xF : b >> 4);

uint8_t workbyte = 0, bitstate = rle_nybble(0) << 7;
uint16_t inindex = 1, outindex = 0;
while (outindex < BMPSIZE * 8) {
int16_t c = rle_nybble(inindex++);
if (c == 15) {
c = 16 * rle_nybble(inindex) + rle_nybble(inindex + 1) + 15; // From 16 to 270
inindex += 2;
while (c-- >= 0) {
const uint8_t bitind = outindex & 7,
bitval = bitstate >> bitind;
workbyte |= bitval;
if (bitind == 7) { *dst++ = workbyte; workbyte = 0; }
bitstate ^= 0x80;


u8g.TERN(CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN_RLE, drawBitmap, drawBitmapP)

if (frame == 0) {
Expand Down
180 changes: 109 additions & 71 deletions buildroot/share/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# RLE compress a Marlin mono DOGM bitmap.
# Bitwise RLE compress a Marlin mono DOGM bitmap.
# Input: An existing Marlin Marlin mono DOGM bitmap .cpp or .h file.
# Output: A new file with the original and compressed data.
Expand All @@ -12,23 +12,21 @@
def addCompressedData(input_file, output_file):
ofile = open(output_file, 'wt')

c_data_section = False
c_skip_data = False
c_footer = False
datatype = "uint8_t"
bytewidth = 16
raw_data = []
rle_value = []
rle_count = []
arrname = ''

line = input_file.readline()
while line:
c_data_section = False ; c_skip_data = False ; c_footer = False
while True:
line = input_file.readline()
if not line: break

if not c_footer:
if not c_skip_data: ofile.write(line)

mat = re.match(r'CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN_BMPWIDTH\s+(\d+)', line)
if mat: bytewidth = int(mat[1]) / 16
mat = re.match(r'.+CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN_BMPWIDTH\s+(\d+)', line)
if mat: bytewidth = (int(mat[1]) + 7) // 8

if "};" in line:
c_skip_data = False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,89 +56,129 @@ def addCompressedData(input_file, output_file):
arrname = line.split('[')[0].split(' ')[-1]
print("Found data array", arrname)

line = input_file.readline()


#print("\nRaw Bitmap Data", raw_data)

# RLE (run length) encoding
# Convert data from raw mono bitmap to a simple run-length-encoded format.
# - Each sequence begins with a count byte N.
# - If the high bit is set in N the run contains N & 0x7F + 1 unique bytes.
# Bitwise RLE (run length) encoding
# Convert data from raw mono bitmap to a bitwise run-length-encoded format.
# - The first byte is the starting bit state. Changing this byte inverts the bitmap.
# - Next bytes each contain two run counts, encoding from 1 to 15 bits
# so a single byte can encode up to 4 bytes, saving 3 bytes.
# - If the high bit is set in N the run contains N & 0xF + 1 unique bytes.
# - Otherwise it repeats the following byte N + 1 times.
def rle_encode(data):
def bitwise_rle_encode(data):
warn = "This may take a while" if len(data) > 300000 else ""
print("Compressing image data...", warn)
rledata = []
distinct = []

def get_bit(data, n): return 1 if (data[n // 8] & (0x80 >> (n & 7))) else 0

bitslen = len(data) * 8
bitstate = get_bit(data, 0)
rledata = [ bitstate ]

i = 0
while i < len(data):
v = data[i]
runlen = -1
while i <= bitslen:
if i < bitslen: b = get_bit(data, i)
runlen += 1
if bitstate != b or i == bitslen:
if i > 11 * 56 * 8: print(f'Bit change at index {i} with runlen={runlen}')
if runlen >= 16:
rledata += [ 15, runlen // 16 - 1, runlen % 16 ]
if i > 11 * 56 * 8: print(f'Storing {[ 15, runlen // 16 - 1, runlen % 16 ]}')
rledata += [ runlen - 1 ]
if i > 11 * 56 * 8: print(f'Storing {[ runlen ]}')
bitstate ^= 1
runlen = 0
i += 1
rsize = 1
for j in range(i, len(data)):
if v != data[j]: break
i += 1
rsize += 1
if rsize >= 128: break

# If the run is one, add to the distinct values
if rsize == 1: distinct.append(v)

# If distinct length >= 127, or the repeat run is 2 or more,
# store the distinct run.
nr = len(distinct)
if nr and (nr >= 128 or rsize > 1 or i >= len(data)):
rledata += [(nr - 1) | 0x80] + distinct
distinct = []

# If the repeat run is 2 or more, store the repeat run.
if rsize > 1: rledata += [rsize - 1, v]

return rledata

def append_byte(data, byte, cols=bytewidth):
if data == '': data = ' '
data += ('0x{0:02X}, '.format(byte)) # 6 characters
if len(data) % (cols * 6 + 2) == 0: data = data.rstrip() + "\n "
return data

def rle_emit(ofile, arrname, rledata, rawsize):
print("\nrledata", rledata)

encoded = []
ri = 0
rlen = len(rledata)
while ri < rlen:
v = rledata[ri] << 4
if (ri < rlen - 1): v |= rledata[ri + 1]
encoded += [ v ]
ri += 2

print("\nencoded", encoded)
return encoded

def bitwise_rle_decode(rledata, invert=0):
expanded = []
for n in rledata: expanded += [ n >> 4, n & 0xF ]

decoded = []
bitstate = 0 ; workbyte = 0 ; outindex = 0
i = 0
outstr = ''
size = 0
while i < len(rledata):
rval = rledata[i]
while i < len(expanded):
c = expanded[i]
i += 1
if rval & 0x80:
count = (rval & 0x7F) + 1
outstr = append_byte(outstr, rval)
size += 1
for j in range(count):
outstr = append_byte(outstr, rledata[i + j])
size += 1
i += count
outstr = append_byte(outstr, rval)
outstr = append_byte(outstr, rledata[i])
i += 1
size += 2

outstr = outstr.rstrip()[:-1]
if i == 1: bitstate = c ; continue

if c == 15:
c = 16 * expanded[i] + expanded[i + 1] + 15
i += 2

for _ in range(c, -1, -1):
bitval = 0x80 >> (outindex & 7)
if bitstate: workbyte |= bitval
if bitval == 1:
decoded += [ workbyte ]
workbyte = 0
outindex += 1

bitstate ^= 1

print("\nDecoded RLE data:")
pretty = [ '{0:08b}'.format(v) for v in decoded ]
rows = [pretty[i:i+bytewidth] for i in range(0, len(pretty), bytewidth)]
for row in rows: print(f"{''.join(row)}")

return decoded

def rle_emit(ofile, arrname, rledata, rawsize):

outstr = ''
rows = [ rledata[i:i+16] for i in range(0, len(rledata), 16) ]
for i in range(0, len(rows)):
rows[i] = [ '0x{0:02X}'.format(v) for v in rows[i] ]
outstr += f" {', '.join(rows[i])},\n"

outstr = outstr[:-2]
size = len(rledata)
ofile.write("\n// Saves %i bytes\n%s %s_rle[%d] PROGMEM = {\n%s\n};\n" % (rawsize - size, datatype, arrname, size, outstr))

# Encode the data, write it out, close the file
rledata = rle_encode(raw_data)
rledata = bitwise_rle_encode(raw_data)
rle_emit(ofile, arrname, rledata, len(raw_data))

# Validate that code properly compressed (and decompressed) the data
checkdata = bitwise_rle_decode(rledata)
badindex = -1
for i in range(0, len(checkdata)):
if raw_data[i] != checkdata[i]:
badindex = i
if badindex >= 0: print(f'Data mismatch at byte {badindex}')

if len(sys.argv) <= 2:

output_cpp = sys.argv[2]
inname = sys.argv[1].replace('//', '/')
input_cpp = open(inname)
print("Processing", inname, "...")
addCompressedData(input_cpp, output_cpp)
input_cpp = open(inname)
print("Processing", inname, "...")
addCompressedData(input_cpp, output_cpp)
except OSError:
print("Can't find input file", inname)

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