PostgreSQL extension. It adds support for sparse vector object and allowing to perform operations on them
git clone
cd pg_sparse_vector
make install
In PostgreSQL console:
create extension sparse_vector;
Assuming that you have installed PostgreSQL already,
you have to install postgresql-server-dev-{PostgreSQL version}
sudo apt install postgresql-server-dev-{PostgreSQL version}
export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/{PostgreSQL version}/bin:$PATH
pg_config --pgxs
Make sure everything is installed
pg_config --pgxs
New type sparse_vector
which allows you to efficiently store Sparse Vectors
create table sparse_data (
vector sparse_vector
To create sparse_vector
you can use sparse_vector(ARRAY[]) function
insert into sparse_data (vector)
values (sparse_vector(ARRAY[1.1, 1.4, 5, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4.34]));
Or you can immediately normalize your vector with sparse_vector_norm(ARRAY[])
insert into sparse_data (vector)
values (sparse_vector_norm(ARRAY[1.1, 1.4, 5, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4.34]));
To find cosine similarity between your vectors you can run
select cosine_similarity(sparse_vector(ARRAY[4.678, 0, 0, 12]), vector) as sim
from sparse_data;
Or if all vectors in your table are normalized (it will be faster)
select dot_product(sparse_vector_norm(ARRAY[4.678, 0, 0, 12]), vector) as sim
from sparse_data;