Ross Bencina's Oscpack biicode block - a set of C++ classes for packing and unpacking OSC packets.
Ubuntu 14.04 - Command Line: Working
Windows - Visual Studio 10 and MINGW Command Line: Working
OSX - Mac Os 10.10 : Working
oscpack -- Open Sound Control packet manipulation library A simple C++ library for packing and unpacking OSC packets.
Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Ross Bencina [email protected]
Oscpack is simply a set of C++ classes for packing and unpacking OSC packets. Oscpack includes a minimal set of UDP networking classes for Windows and POSIX. The networking classes are sufficient for writing many OSC applications and servers, but you are encouraged to use another networking framework if it better suits your needs. Oscpack is not an OSC application framework. It doesn't include infrastructure for constructing or routing OSC namespaces, just classes for easily constructing, sending, receiving and parsing OSC packets. The library should also be easy to use for other transport methods (e.g. serial).
The key goals of the oscpack library are:
- Be a simple and complete implementation of OSC
- Be portable to a wide variety of platforms
- Allow easy development of robust OSC applications
(for example it should be impossible to crash a server
by sending it malformed packets, and difficult to create
malformed packets.)
Here's a quick run down of the key files:
osc/OscReceivedElements -- classes for parsing a packet osc/OscPrintRecievedElements -- iostream << operators for printing packet elements osc/OscOutboundPacketStream -- a class for packing messages into a packet osc/OscPacketListener -- base class for listening to OSC packets on a UdpSocket ip/IpEndpointName -- class that represents an IP address and port number ip/UdpSocket -- classes for UDP transmission and listening sockets tests/OscUnitTests -- unit test program for the OSC modules tests/OscSendTests -- examples of how to send messages tests/OscReceiveTest -- example of how to receive the messages sent by OSCSendTests examples/OscDump -- a program that prints received OSC packets examples/SimpleSend -- a minimal program to send an OSC message examples/SimpleReceive -- a minimal program to receive an OSC message
osc/ contains all of the OSC related classes ip/ contains the networking classes
ip/windows contains the Windows implementation of the networking classes ip/posix contains the POSIX implementation of the networking classes
The idea is that you will embed this source code in your projects as you see fit. The Makefile has an install rule for building a shared library and installing headers in usr/local. It can also build a static library. There is a CMakeLists.txt for building with cmake.
Makefile builds ...............
The Makefile works for Linux and Max OS X. It should also work on other platforms that have make. Just run:
$ make
You can run "make install" if you like.
Cmake builds ............
There is a CMakeLists.txt file which has been tested with cmake on Windows and Linux. It should work on other platforms too. For example, to generate a Visual Studio 10 project, run cmake like this:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 10"
Run cmake without any parameters to get a list of available generators.
Mingw build batch file ......................
For Windows there is a batch file for doing a simple test build with MinGW gcc called make.MinGW32.bat. This will build the test executables and oscdump in ./bin and run the unit tests.
In some rare instances you may need to edit the Makefile or osc/OscHostEndianness.h to configure oscpack for the endianness of your processor (see the comments at the top of the Makefile for details).
To run the unit tests:
$ ./bin/OscUnitTests
To run the send and receive tests. Open two terminals. In one run:
$ ./bin/OscReceiveTest
Then in the other terminal run:
You should see an indication that the messages were received in the first terminal.
Note that OscSendTests intentionally sends some unexpected message parameters to test exception handling in the receiver. You will see some "error while parsing message" messages printed.
You can use ./bin/OscDump to print out OSC messages received from any program, including the test programs.
If you fix anything or write a set of TCP send/receive classes please consider sending me a patch. My email address is [email protected]. Thanks :)
For more information about Open Sound Control, see:
Thanks to Till Bovermann for helping with POSIX networking code and Mac compatibility, and to Martin Kaltenbrunner and the rest of the reacTable team for giving me a reason to finish this library. Thanks to Merlijn Blaauw for reviewing the interfaces. Thanks to Xavier Oliver for additional help with Linux builds and POSIX implementation details.
Portions developed at the Music Technology Group, Audiovisual Institute, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, during my stay as a visiting researcher, November 2004 - September 2005.
Thanks to Syneme at the University of Calgary for providing financial support for the 1.1.0 update, December 2012 - March 2013.
See the file CHANGES for information about recent updates.
See the file LICENSE for information about distributing and using this code.