Welcome to my project that I use for playing with technologies that I would like to explorer them more. Feel free to download the project and run in your enverionment.
- See the code with an online code editor
- .NET 5
- Swagger/Swagger UI
- Hangfire
- MediatR
- AutoMapper
- Entity Framework Core
- SQLite
- Docker
Unit Tests / Integration Tests
- XUnit
- Onion Architecture
- Message Bus
- Fluent Validation
- Mediator
- Dependency Injection
- Inversion of control
- Repository
- Domain Driven Design (DDD)
- Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Command Query Responsability Segregation (CQRS)
- Entity Framework Code First
- Linq / Lambda expressions
- Hangfire: https://localhost:44393/hangfire
- Swagger UI: https://localhost:44393/swagger/index.html
Two background queue are created. They are named generate_fake_products
and generate_fake_invoices
- generate_fake_products: Products are generate automatically in every 30 seconds
- generate_fake_invoices: Invoices are generate automatically in every 1 seconds
- An event is trigger for every product created.
- An event is trigger for every invoice created.