This package aims to make easier to create visual console messages (including groupCollapsed ones) as well as to create containers so messages will be more organized.
This is the very first version of it. If you have any suggestions, feel free to get in touch!
This message was easily displayed by running makeComment('makeComment()', ['Testando método makeComment()'], 'important', 'md', 'badgeInverted')
Is the method responsable by printing the log message in the console. You can choose wether to display one or more console.log()
messages or to print grouped console.log()
message(s) within a console.groupCollapsed()
group of messages.
This is an more complex possible application of the makeComment()
method, in this example, to display datalayer pushed tags
It is possible to define:
Title (the message or message group title)
Comments (the second part of the message or the inner messages)
Status (like success, error, warning, info...),
Size (for example large, small, extra extra small...)
Type (main, secondary, badge or badgeInverted) of the message.
A visual guide made to help you when choosing which style is more appropriate to each message to be displayed.
Custom Style with consoleDefaultParams prop | It is in the roadmap to implement a feature that allows user to define its own color theme.
You must have node.js installed in you environment. You can ensure you have it installed by running node -v
in the terminal of your preference.
You just need to run npm i console-log-design-system
or you can directly download it from npm oficial website.
How To Import Both makeComment() and makeCommentDemo()
You can import the makeComment()
and makeCommentDemo()
methods simply by copying and pasting the following code snippet in yout component/module:
import clds from 'console-log-design-system';
const {
} = clds;
You can also import it in a more manual manner, by importing in your vanilla JS script
import clds from './console-log-design-system/index';
const {
} = clds;
...and then, calling your script as a module in you HTML file:
<script type="module" src="./main.js"></script>
How To Import makeComment()
You can import the makeComment()
method simply by copying and pasting the following code snippet in yout component/module:
import clds from 'console-log-design-system';
const {
} = clds;
You can also import it in a more manual manner, by importing in your vanilla JS script
import clds from './console-log-design-system/index';
const {
} = clds;
...and then, calling your script as a module in you HTML file:
<script type="module" src="./main.js"></script>
How To Import makeCommentDemo()
You can import the makeCommentDemo()
method simply by copying and pasting the following code snippet in yout component/module:
import clds from 'console-log-design-system';
const {
} = clds;
You can also import it in a more manual manner, by importing in your vanilla JS script
import clds from './console-log-design-system/index';
const {
} = clds;
...and then, calling your script as a module in you HTML file:
<script type="module" src="./main.js"></script>
How to use makeComment()
You have to pass at leat a title as the first argument (that expect to receive a string typed argument).
makeComment('My Title');
In this case, message displayed will have the default status, a medium size and its type defined as main.
But you can pass more optional arguments, such as:
An array with different comments. Each one of them will be displayed with console.log
status options preview
A string that represent the status of the message and define its colors. It is pobbible to choose between 'default', 'bw', 'wb', 'fail', 'danger', 'alert', 'warning', 'info', 'success', 'successful', 'important'
size options preview
Defines sizes of the message. Possible values: 'xxs, 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', 'xxl'
type options preview
You can choose one of the following options: 'main', 'secondary', 'badge', 'badgeInverted'. The secondary type does not use console.groupCollapsed
method, so title is joined with messages but it still have its own style.
How to use makeCommentDemo()
It doesn't require any params, you just need to import it and to call it passing the arguments you want to.
Some other screenshots to show how flexible can be the this package
* @function makeComment
* Returns a comment to console with a custom style according to the passed arguments
* @param {String} title - the title of the comment (set as groupCollapsed as default)
* @param {Array|undefined} [comments=[]] - array with each comment to be consoled as a string element
* @param {String='default','bw','wb','fail','danger','alert','warning','info','success','successful','important'} [status='default'] - status to be used to define its style (default|bw|wb|fail|danger|alert|warning|info|success|successful|important)
* @param {String='xxs,'xs','sm','md','lg','xl','xxl'} [size='md'] - defines font properties (xxs|xs|sm|md|lg|xl|xxl)
* @param {String='main','secondary','badge','badgeInverted'} [type='main'] - defines wich style to be applied (main|secondary|badge|badgeInverted)
* @requires consoleDefaultParams - that maps its styles template properties
* @const consoleDefaultParams
* Detains all default template console style
* @namespace
* @property {object} size - defines font-size, line-height as well as padding and margin according to its arguments passed (size and 'scenery')
* @property {object} size.xxs - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} size.xxs.main - defines main type (style) extra extra small properties
* @property {object} size.xxs.secondary - defines secondary type (style) extra extra small properties
* @property {object} size.xxs.badge - defines badge type (style) extra extra small properties
* @property {object} size.xxs.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) extra extra small properties
* @property {object} size.xs - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} size.xs.main - defines main type (style) extra small properties
* @property {object} size.xs.secondary - defines secondary type (style) extra small properties
* @property {object} size.xs.badge - defines badge type (style) extra small properties
* @property {object} size.xs.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) extra small properties
* @property {object} - defines small properties
* @property {object} - defines main type (style) small properties
* @property {object} - defines secondary type (style) small properties
* @property {object} - defines badge type (style) small properties
* @property {object} - defines badgeInverted type (style) small properties
* @property {object} - defines medium properties (default)
* @property {object} - defines main type (style) medium properties (default)
* @property {object} - defines secondary type (style) medium properties (default)
* @property {object} - defines badge type (style) medium properties (default)
* @property {object} - defines badgeInverted type (style) medium properties (default)
* @property {object} size.lg - defines large properties
* @property {object} size.lg.main - defines main type (style) large properties
* @property {object} size.lg.secondary - defines secondary type (style) large properties
* @property {object} size.lg.badge - defines badge type (style) large properties
* @property {object} size.lg.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) large properties
* @property {object} size.xl - defines extra large properties
* @property {object} size.xl.main - defines main type (style) extra large properties
* @property {object} size.xl.secondary - defines secondary type (style) extra large properties
* @property {object} size.xl.badge - defines badge type (style) extra large properties
* @property {object} size.xl.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) extra large properties
* @property {object} size.xxl - defines extra extra large properties
* @property {object} size.xxl.main - defines main type (style) extra extra large properties
* @property {object} size.xxl.secondary - defines secondary type (style) extra extra large properties
* @property {object} size.xxl.badge - defines badge type (style) extra extra large properties
* @property {object} size.xxl.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) extra extra large properties
* @property {object} color - defines color, background-color as well as border style, according to its arguments ('status' and 'scenery')
* @property {object} color.default - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.default.main - defines main type (style) default color properties
* @property {object} color.default.secondary - defines secondary type (style) default color properties
* @property {object} color.default.badge - defines badge type (style) default color properties
* @property {object} color.default.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) default color properties
* @property {object} - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} - defines main type (style) bw color properties
* @property {object} - defines secondary type (style) bw color properties
* @property {object} - defines badge type (style) bw color properties
* @property {object} - defines badgeInverted type (style) bw color properties
* @property {object} color.wb - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.wb.main - defines main type (style) wb color properties
* @property {object} color.wb.secondary - defines secondary type (style) wb color properties
* @property {object} color.wb.badge - defines badge type (style) wb color properties
* @property {object} color.wb.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) wb color properties
* @property {object} color.error - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.error.main - defines main type (style) error color properties
* @property {object} color.error.secondary - defines secondary type (style) error color properties
* @property {object} color.error.badge - defines badge type (style) error color properties
* @property {object} color.error.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) error color properties
* @property {object} - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} - defines main type (style) fail color properties
* @property {object} - defines secondary type (style) fail color properties
* @property {object} - defines badge type (style) fail color properties
* @property {object} - defines badgeInverted type (style) fail color properties
* @property {object} color.danger - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.danger.main - defines main type (style) danger color properties
* @property {object} color.danger.secondary - defines secondary type (style) danger color properties
* @property {object} color.danger.badge - defines badge type (style) danger color properties
* @property {object} color.danger.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) danger color properties
* @property {object} color.alert - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.alert.main - defines main type (style) alert color properties
* @property {object} color.alert.secondary - defines secondary type (style) alert color properties
* @property {object} color.alert.badge - defines badge type (style) alert color properties
* @property {object} color.alert.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) alert color properties
* @property {object} color.warning - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.warning.main - defines main type (style) warning color properties
* @property {object} color.warning.secondary - defines secondary type (style) warning color properties
* @property {object} color.warning.badge - defines badge type (style) warning color properties
* @property {object} color.warning.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) warning color properties
* @property {object} - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} - defines main type (style) info color properties
* @property {object} - defines secondary type (style) info color properties
* @property {object} - defines badge type (style) info color properties
* @property {object} - defines badgeInverted type (style) info color properties
* @property {object} color.success - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.success.main - defines main type (style) success color properties
* @property {object} color.success.secondary - defines secondary type (style) success color properties
* @property {object} color.success.badge - defines badge type (style) success color properties
* @property {object} color.success.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) success color properties
* @property {object} color.sucessful - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.sucessful.main - defines main type (style) sucessful color properties
* @property {object} color.sucessful.secondary - defines secondary type (style) sucessful color properties
* @property {object} color.sucessful.badge - defines badge type (style) sucessful color properties
* @property {object} color.sucessful.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) sucessful color properties
* @property {object} color.important - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.important.main - defines main type (style) important color properties
* @property {object} color.important.secondary - defines secondary type (style) important color properties
* @property {object} color.important.badge - defines badge type (style) important color properties
* @property {object} color.important.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) important color properties
* @property {object} color.log - defines extra small properties
* @property {object} color.log.main - defines main type (style) log color properties
* @property {object} color.log.secondary - defines secondary type (style) log color properties
* @property {object} color.log.badge - defines badge type (style) log color properties
* @property {object} color.log.badgeInverted - defines badgeInverted type (style) log color properties
Marcelo Diament | Front End Developer and Instructor