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WARNING ⚠️ : This package is now DEPRECATED!

Use the new version of shard components instead.

This package is now DEPRECATED!

Use the new version of shard components instead.

React MonoRepo

This repo contains react demo apps and component libraries to share between apps.

The repo uses Yarn workspaces to link dependencies, and to enable running yarn install once.

You should use yarn instead of npm.


  • react-components - Component library for common usage(more sophisticated components).
  • react-ui-components - Core components based on Material Web Components helpers.

Install workspace packages dependecies


Adding new projects

  1. Create a new folder for the project.
  2. Add cross-env as a dependency to your new project.
  3. Add the new project into the root package.json workspaces array:
  "workspaces": ["workspace-a", "workspace-b", "add your new project here"]
  1. Add any dependency you want from the repo your your package.json (some of the packages might need to be builded before use). make sure that the dependency version matches the version in the target package.json.
  "dependencies": {
    "react-components": "0.1.0"
  1. Add any external dependencies you would like using yarn.
  2. start hacking 😉

Adding new components

  1. Create a folder for your component under packages/react-components/src/lib/
  2. Write your component.
  3. Add unit tests to your component using jest. Test files should be named *.spec.tsx or *.test.tsx.
  4. Add storybook stories to your component.
  5. Make sure the component is exported in the file packages/react-components/src/index.ts.
  6. Open a pull request with all the details about your component.


  1. Build Core components
  yarn run build:react-core:build
  1. Build common components
  yarn run build:react


  1. Be logged in to NPM
  npm login
  1. Publish PUBLIC packages
  yarn run publish


  npx lerna publish --conventional-commits -m "chore(publish): publish %s [ci skip]"
  1. Re-publish currently bumped versions
  npx lerna exec -- npm publish


  1. Run all packages storybooks, each package storybook tab will open and the terminal will be captured to the servers.
  yarn run storybook:all
  1. While the storybooks are running, you can run, in a different terminal, a single composed storybook which containing all of these storybooks.
  yarn run storybook-composition

In order to run storybook for specific package - run it from appropriate package location

  1. react-components
  cd packages/react-components
  yarn run storybook
  1. react-ui-components
  cd packages/react-ui-components
  yarn run storybook