This pytonic package include useful sub-packages and implementation for variant manipulation of automation infrastructure.
- base_request - wrapper for restful API's requests [post, get, etc..]
- S3storage - wrapper of boto3 library for handling with S3 storage type
- Common - common utils for string manipulations, urls, storage, os, and data-types convertor
- Jira - integration sub-package for connecting pytest results with jira's dashboard.
- PostGres support wrapping module that provide useful class and function working with pg
- MC-ingestion mutual API's wrappers:
- job manager api wrapper:
- Multiple API access
- Automation utilities -> Job Follower[Example]
- overseer api wrapper
- agent api wrapper
- azure pvc handler -> automation internal service to mock NFS
- job manager api wrapper:
- MC-sync mutual API's wrappers:
- layer spec api wrapper:
- Multiple API access as describe on layer spec api docs
- layer spec api wrapper: