This repos contains the detailed packet-level implemetation of different CRL distribution methods in VANETs based on my master thesis:
M.S. Thesis: Certificate Revocation List Distribution in Vehicular Communication Systems Under supervision of professor Panos Papadimitratos More information here:
Open this project in OMNET++ network simulator. Download OMNET++ from "".
This project uses the following softwares and packages:
SUMO: SUMO is an open source, microscopic, continuous-space, discrete-time road traffic simulator, developed at German Aerospace Center. We use SUMO to generate mobility traces of vehicles in large scale simulation. You can download the SUMO from "".
Veins framework: We used Veins to connect SUMO to OMNET++ using TraCI interface. You can download Veins from "".
Eigen library: Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. We use this library for solving simple linear equations in Rabins algorithm. Eigen is a header only library. Download and extract it near the main project folder.
Boost library: Boost is a set of libraries for C++. We use the boost serialization library to serialize CRL messages before handing it over to TCP, and deserialize it in receiver. In Ubuntu, you can install libboost1.46-dev and libboost-serialization1.46-dev packages.
OpenSSL library: OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols. The core library, written in the C programming language, implements the basic cryptographic functions and provides various utility functions. We use OpenSSL library to sign and verify different messages. In Ubuntu, you can install libssl-dev package.
- go to mixim/src/base/modules/
comment line 26:
// opp_warning("No battery module defined!");
- go to mixim/src/base/connectionManager/
add these lines after line 275
// TODO: MANI: ********************************************* cModule *mod1 = nic->nicPtr->getParentModule(); cModule *mod2 = nic_i->nicPtr->getParentModule(); // now send connect signal for statistics simsignal_t Signal_In_Range = registerSignal("In_Range"); mod1->emit(Signal_In_Range, mod2->getFullName()); mod2 ->emit(Signal_In_Range, mod1->getFullName()); // ***************************************************
- go to mixim/src/modules/mac/
add after line 28 in header:
// TODO: MANI #include "FindModule.h"
add after line 275:
// TODO: MANI: ************************************** { // most of the time, the reason is because of the BITERROR and not COLLISION !! cModule *nodePtr = FindModule<>::findHost(this); // send signal to application layer simsignal_t Signal_fromMAC = registerSignal("fromMAC"); nodePtr->emit(Signal_fromMAC, "RxError"); // send signal for statistics simsignal_t Signal_RxErrors = registerSignal("RxErrors"); nodePtr->emit(Signal_RxErrors, 1); } // ***************************************************
add after line 305:
// TODO: MANI: *************************************** { // send signal to application layer simsignal_t Signal_fromMAC = registerSignal("fromMAC"); cModule *nodePtr = FindModule<>::findHost(this); nodePtr->emit(Signal_fromMAC, "TxOver"); } // ***************************************************
- go to mixim/src/modules/mobility/
- change line 103 from handleIfOutside(RAISEERROR, stepTarget, dummy, dummy, dum); to handleIfOutside(REFLECT, stepTarget, dummy, dummy, dum);
- go to mixim/src/modules/mobility/traci/
add after line 665
// TODO: MANI: *************************************** // save the name of the module, for later use. // We must copy the name and should not use pointer! char name[10]; strcpy(name, mod->getFullName()); // ***************************************************
add afte line 680
// TODO: MANI: *************************************** // send signal for statistics simsignal_t Signal_Module_Deleted = registerSignal("V_Deleted"); simulation.getSystemModule()->emit(Signal_Module_Deleted, name); // ***************************************************
according to this link:
typedef AccessModuleWrap<BaseMobility> ChannelMobilityAccessType; typedef ChannelMobilityAccessType::wrapType* ChannelMobilityPtrType;
Line 681:
typedef base_class_type::storage_type storage_type; typedef base_class_type::container_type container_type; typedef base_class_type::key_type key_type; typedef base_class_type::key_cref_type key_cref_type; typedef base_class_type::mapped_type mapped_type; typedef base_class_type::mapped_cref_type mapped_cref_type; typedef base_class_type::pair_type pair_type; typedef base_class_type::iterator iterator; typedef base_class_type::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef base_class_type::comparator_type comparator_type; typedef base_class_type::interpolated interpolated;
Line 1655:
argument_value_cref_t argVal = pos.getArgValue(myDimension); interpolator_map_type::iterator posIt = entries.lower_bound(argVal);
Change the Eigen library path in the makefile of application folder
Change the sumo path in suo-launchd.xml
run the which has screen support.