A little package developed with Go to make frequency analysis on text
First of all there is two structures Counter and Pair
Counter is a main structure, it contains the results and data about the text to be analysed.
type Counter struct {
Text string
SizeText int
MappedKeys map[string]int
Pairs []Pair
The Text and its size are contained in it, but most importantly is MappedKeys and Pairs :
MappedKeys : will contain for each character the number of occurence in the text Pairs : see next section.
The structure "Pair" is useful because it enables to match a character with how many time it occur and frequency of its apparition.
type Pair struct {
Char string
Count int
Freq float32
So, to do some analysis you just need two things : a text and a counter which also contains your text. Here an example :
text := "beautiful text"
counter := Counter{Text: text} //Not needed to set the size of text
var freqAnalysis IFreqAnalysis = &counter
for _, pair := range counter.Pairs {
test.Log(pair.Char, pair.Count, pair.Freq)
* t 3 21.428572
* e 2 14.285715
* u 2 14.285715
* l 1 7.1428576
* 1 7.1428576
* b 1 7.1428576
* a 1 7.1428576
* i 1 7.1428576
* f 1 7.1428576
* x 1 7.1428576
Its a main method it map each character with its number of occurence
Ensure that the most occur characters will be in the firt indexes in the Pairs array
Calculate the frequence for each character
Its a helper that execute three previous method see above (same order)