#Multistart(Windows only)
##Important WindowTitle needs to be set to your window title. The window title is your product name wich can be found and set in 'File -> BuildSettings -> PlayerSettings'
Your standalone build should start in window mode.
Uncheck PlayerSettings->DefaultIsFullScreen
Your should also disable the unity start up dialog.
Select disable in PlayerSettings->DisplayResoultionDialog
##Scene The scene that you want to build
##Width / Height The resoultion of your monitor.
##Timout How long it should look for the windows.
##Horizonal Offset The horizonal offset will control how far the windows are spawned from 0,0.
For example if you have a resoultion of 1920x1080 and you set your horizonal offset to 1920, the windows will spawn on your second monitor.
##Relative Path The folder where you want to save the build. The path is relative to your project root folder.
#AutoConnect The AutoConnect script will automatically start the server in the editor and start a client in the standalone build.
Just put it on your NetworkManager.