Every web project have different binary data to host and handle: images, PDFs, etc. In most cases those files should be converted in different ways:
- images: resize and format
- PDF to image
- Open office templates to MS Office documents and PDFs
This application can host a binary/text data (Documents) of a particular content type and convert it in requested way.
It intended to be deployed at separate hostname as bin.project-hostname. Also it is recommended to use cookieless domain for read-only serving of public content.
composer install
We desided to use REST interface. Here are the commands.
Submitting data to the service.
Url: /
Data: Document and (optionally) variables to parse if Document is a template
Return: {id : "_auto_generated_id_string_", contentType: "_content_type_",
ext: "_standart_file_extension_", length: _file_size_, filename: "_original_file_name_"}
Getting a document.
Url: /_id_string_._ext_
Data: no
Return: Document
Example: /12wkr234ser349.pdf - get document "12wkr234ser349" as PDF
Getting a document related to some restricted group
Url: /_auth_group_3_letters_/_id_string_._ext_
Data: no
Return: Document
Example: /adm/6b12YX.pdf - get document "12wkr234ser349" as PDF
Restriction of /adm/* URIs should be done externally. See section Authorization below.
Deleting a document.
Url: /_id_string_
Data: no
Return: {}
See https://github.com/Magomogo/barberry-service as a reference. Target application should depends from barberry/barberry and necessary converter plugins. Dependencies are handled with Composer.
- https://github.com/Magomogo/barberry-plugin-imagemagick - images conversion
- https://github.com/kevich/barberry-plugin-pdf - PDF to text, PDF to image
- https://github.com/ykovaleva/barberry-plugin-webcapture - make web sites screen shots as image or PDF with webkit engine
- https://github.com/jamayka/barberry-plugin-openoffice - XSL, DOC, PDF other spreadsheet, templates and documents
- https://github.com/ykovaleva/barberry-plugin-ffmpeg - converting video, taking frameshots
Authorization should be done externally.
<Directory %PUT_THE_PATH_HERE%/binary/public>
AuthName "Restricted method"
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile %PUT_THE_PATH_HERE%/passwords
<LimitExcept GET>
Require valid-user
DirectoryIndex index.php
magic.mime.mgc version 8 (file version 5.09) is compatible only with php >=5.3.11
magic.mime.mgc version 7 (file version 5.04) is compatible with php <=5.3.10
both versions are included in barberry/interfaces