SIPKit is an open-source framework to make it easy for your app to handle SIP, AMFI, and Library Validation on macOS.
// AMFI controls
/// Get rid of AMFI
+ (void)AMFI_NUKE;
/// 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
+ (Boolean)AMFI_enabled;
/// 1 = success, 0 = fail
+ (Boolean)AMFI_amfi_allow_any_signature_toggle;
/// 1 = success, 0 = fail
+ (Boolean)AMFI_cs_enforcement_disable_toggle;
/// 1 = success, 0 = fail
+ (Boolean)AMFI_amfi_get_out_of_my_way_toggle;
// AMFI warnings
/// If a window is povided the warning will be shown as a sheet attached to the window otherwise it will be shown as it's own window
/// @param inWindow inWindow
+ (void)showAMFIWarning:(NSWindow*)inWindow;
/// Set wether or not your app will show AMFI warnings -- 1 = show, 0 = don't show
+ (void)setShowAMFIWarning:(Boolean)shouldWarn;
/// Check if your app has set to hide AMFI warnings -- 1 = show, 0 = don't show
+ (Boolean)shouldWarnAboutAMFI;
/// Check if an NVRAM arg is currently present -- 1 = arg present, 0 = arg missing
+ (Boolean)NVRAM_arg_present:(NSString*)arg;
// Library Validation
/// Check if Library Validation is enabled -- 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
+ (Boolean)LIBRARYVALIDATION_enabled;
/// Toogle Library Validation 1 = success, 0 = fail
+ (Boolean)LIBRARYVALIDATION_toggle;
// System Integrity Protection
/// 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
+ (Boolean)SIP_enabled;
/// 1 = has flags required for code injection, 0 = flags missing
+ (Boolean)SIP_HasRequiredFlags;
/// 1 = nvram flag enabled, 0 = disabled
+ (Boolean)SIP_NVRAM;
/// 1 = task for pid flag enabled, 0 = disabled
+ (Boolean)SIP_TASK_FOR_PID;
/// 1 = filesystem flag enabled, 0 = disabled
+ (Boolean)SIP_Filesystem;
- SIPKit supports macOS 10.10 and above