✨ Latest Projects Algorithms Multi-threading experiments (Working with multi-threading concepts in .NET) .NET c# Locks/Mutexes Volatile/Interleaved writes Async/await Used for video-serie Astah decision tree (Automatically determine test-cases) Java extension for Astah modeling program Path finding Decision trees Multi-threaded Permutations (Using SQL Server to generate playing schedules) .NET c# SQL Server (Cross Joins/Cartesian product) Permutations AWS EC2 64GB RAM NP-hard problem Web Retrospective client (Fully-fledged retrospective tool) .NET Core Entity Framework React Designer Web (Database modeling tool) Demo React Entity Relation Diagrams Ivory Tower (Dashboard for Architectural decisions) .NET Background-workers (Confluence Integration) Razor pages MyDashboard (Dashboard as a service) React Redux 🧠 Learning & App Development 📒 Learning new tools Learning rust (Getting to know Rust) Learning guide/summaries Mini kubernetes Tokio for async Redis Learning Elasticsearch (Tripsearch app using Elasticsearch) Elasticsearch Result ranking OpenData Amsterdam Learning Basic ML (Project for training face recognition model) Python Cv2 Tkinter Learning Python (Automatically playing the Carcassonne game) Python Terrain generation Evolution game 📱 App Development / Open-source Training-plan (Workouts app) React Native .NET API GraphQL Icons & Assets Launch Control (React Native driving assistant) React Native Overpass-api OpenStreetMap Html-parser (HTML-to-JSON & JSON-to-HTML) Demo NPM Package 100% test-coverage ES6 + Flow types Simple Media Manager (Image picker library) API Docs NPM Package Plain Javascript