NumericalTestRigFlows (NTRFlows)
A Snakemake workflow for parameterstudies in cfd-simulations
Any workflow in cfd-simulations is including steps in the configuration of configuration files (create), preprocessing steps (prep), the execution of the simulation (execute) and postprocessing steps (post).
NTRFlows is a Snakemake-workflow developed with a simple compressor cascade simulation using OpenFOAM.
It should be used as a blueprint for sustainable data-analysis'.
The project is adaptable and any solver can be used.
Have a look at the snakemake-documentation. There is no better installation-manual then theirs.
Currently, the workflow is deployed via git. Simply clone the repo and start the workflow using snakemake.
foo@bar:/path/to/somedirectory$ git clone -b master
The only dependencies needed are "snakemake, pandas, singularity/conda and slurm"
The rule execute is currently not using mpirun correctly.
This issue is documented in It is crucial to solve this issue as soon as possible
Run the workflow with the following command
foo@bar:/path/to/somedirectory/NTRFlows$ snakemake -j 16 -c4 --use-singularity --profile profiles/slurm
When a workflow finfished, you can create a report
foo@bar:/path/to/somedirectory/NTRFlows$ snakemake --report
A report can be used for quality control of your workflow run.
The parameter space exploration can be configured in the table params.tsv
In the following example velocity_inlet_u velocity_inlet_v and pressure_outlet are parameters that can be set in any file in the template-directory resources/casefiles using (or in this case e.g. ). A table has to be identified uniquely by an "id". A dependency has to be declared. "0" means there is no dependency.
id | velocity_inlet_u | velocity_inlet_v | pressure_outlet | dependency |
A1 | 30 | 40 | 100000 | 0 |
A2 | 30 | 40 | 100000 | 0 |
A3 | 30 | 40 | 100000 | 0 |
This will result in a dag like this:
It is also possible to depend jobs on each other using the dependency-column.
id | velocity_inlet_u | velocity_inlet_v | pressure_outlet | dependency |
A1 | 30 | 40 | 100000 | 0 |
A2 | 30 | 40 | 100000 | A1 |
A3 | 30 | 40 | 100000 | A2 |
As long as ids and dependencies are well defined, you can scale the exploration as you wish
The usage of this workflow is described in the Snakemake Workflow Catalog.
If you use this workflow in a paper, don't forget to give credits to the authors by citing the URL of this (original) NTRFlowssitory and its DOI (see above).
For any user, it is of interest to adapt the workflow for their own interest. Currently this workflow is simply a proof of concept. But where should the user start? The best strategy is, to work yourself through the rules, rule by rule. The following instructions will work for a case, where you have a mesh and ASCII-based configuration files for the simulation.
In the Snakefile you can simply outcomment all rules besides 'create'
include all rules
include: "rules/common.smk"
include: "rules/create.smk"
include: "rules/prep.smk"
include: "rules/execute.smk"
include: "rules/post.smk"
- The rule 'create' is the most generic part of the workflow. Replace all content in the template-directory with the configuration files (and directory structure) that your simulation needs.
- If you are interested in a parameterspace-exploration, define in the configuration files. A parameter can be used in multiple files. Parameters are used to define the name of the simulation so that a user can directly see the parameters that have been used
- If you have configuration values that you want to change from time to time, you can use to replace a string in the configuration files. This might be useful for partitioning purpuses where you change the number of Processors and Nodes quite often. If you don't change a configuration often, don't define one. Then just leave the values in the template be.
- replace the containerfile definition with a container that you'd like to use. You don't necessarily need to use a container, but then obviously your work is not reproducible.
- redefine output.preped. Another solver will generate a different structure for the executable simulation
- redefine the shell commands. You need at least commands to read the mesh into your simulation and probably you want partitioning commands here
- replace the containerfile definition with a container that you'd like to use. You don't necessarily need to use a container, but then obviously your work is not reproducible.
- redefine the input-files
- redefine the output-files (what files does your solver generate when successfully conducting a simuklation?)
- redefine the shell-commands
This is the most individual part of a simulation. You will need to be a bit more creative here, but you can use the given structure for sure.