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ArchivesSpace Docker

Repository containing the Docker setup and configuration for the ArchivesSpace application. It includes CI/CD that will automatically build and deploy the Docker image to the application servers depending on the branch of this repository.



Install docker

Follow the official documentation to install Docker on your system.

Initialize the swarm

docker swarm init

Setup UFW

The local firewall needs to be updated to include the IP ranges you want to restrict 80/443 access to, but additionally the docker internal nonroutable range as well.

# Restricted example. Include other IP restrictions as relavent
ufw allow from to any port  80,443 proto tcp

# Public example
ufw allow http
ufw allow https

SSL setup

In order to use SSL, you will need to obtain an SSL certificate and provide the relavent files to the docker instance via a volume.

# create the combined ssl certificate
cat archivesspace_interm.cer >> archivesspace_cert.cer
# create the volume
docker volume create archivesspace-docker_ssl
docker volume inspect archivesspace-docker_ssl
# copy the ssl cert files to the volume
cp archivesspace.key [volume path]/
cp archivesspace_cert.cer [volume path]/

Local customizations


Search this repository for references of TODO to see all the places recommended for customizations.


We have included a sample config.patch file that can be used, but for any additional changes you would liek to make to the config.rb in the image you can do the following:

# Make updates in this file as compared to original config in the release (using a tool like vimdiff)
vim config.rb
vimdiff config.rb config.rb.orig
# Make a new patch file

(Optional) Database setup

If you want to load the instance with an initial set of data, you can import from a dump file.

cat archivesspace.sql | docker exec -i $(docker ps -q -f name=as_db) mysql -u as --password=as123 archivesspace

Option 1: CI/CD Setup

Create a deploy user

Create a user that will have read-only access to the repository to pull changes.

adduser deploy
passwd -l deploy
sudo -Hu deploy ssh-keygen -o -t ed25519 -C deploy@archivesspace

Now add that as a deploy key to the git repository providing the public key

cat /home/deploy/.ssh/

Have a sysadmin create a Group CI/CD variable with the encoded deploy ssh key

Option 2: Local Setup

Deploy the swarm

docker swarm deploy --with-registry-auth -c docker-compose.yml as

Log rotation

cp etc/logrotate.d/archivesspace-docker /etc/logrotate.d/

Updating the ArchivesSpace Version

Config file changes

This repository contains a patch file that will apply our local changes to the defaul configuration file. It is possible that there are new changes to the config that we will want applied, in that case you will need to generate a new patch file. Here are the steps to re-generate one:

# Example contains both the AS default config and our local copy with latest changes
diff -u config.rb.orig config.rb > config.patch

Backup the database

Prior to running the upgrade, take a dump of the current database state. You can get the command from the cron entry, or from the backup and restore section.

Updating the version

To increase the version number installed, update the .gitlab-ci.yml with the version in the AS_VERSION argument. If you want to increase the version only on one environment, you can update it for only the _TEST containers.

Additionally, you probably will want to reset the Solr index to apply the lastest schema changes.

Resetting the Solr Index

Resetting the Solr index can help resolve search related issues such as records not appearing after they have been successfully created. It should also be used after updating the ArchivesSpace version to apply the latest schema changes.

docker exec $(docker ps -q f name=as_solr) curl -s http://localhost:8983/solr/archivesspace/update --data-binary '<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>' -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'
docker exec $(docker ps -q f name=as_archivesspace) rm -rf /archivesspace/data/*
docker stop $(docker ps -q f name=as_archvesspace) # this essentially "restarts" AS

Note: It takes hours to do a full re-index, so ideally time this at the end of the day so it can complete overnight.

Backup and Restore

The only portion that should require backups is the database. This is because everything else can be generated from that data. The software and configs are all stored in the GitLab container registry and can be restored from there if needed.

Here are example commands to backup and restore the database data:

# Backup
docker exec $(docker ps -q f name=as_db) mysqldump -u as --password=as123 archivesspace > archivesspace.sql

# Restore
cat archivesspace.sql | docker exec -i $(docker ps -q f name=as_db) mysql -u as --password=as123 archivesspace

Developer Notes

For local debugging you can override the command in the docker-compose.yml file for the archivesspace service and set it to sleep inf and re-redeploy the stack:

docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml
docker exec -it $(docker ps -q f name=as_archivesspace) bash
# to start the AS process within the container if you need to:


General Tips

You can check which docker containers are running by executing:

docker ps
docker service ls

To see which ports the server is listening on run:

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

To identify all of the data volumes used by the images:

docker volume ls

To identify the server location of the volume data:

docker volume inspect [volume name]
docker volume inspect as_nginx_logs

To see the logs for a container, given the container name (from docker ps):

docker logs CONTAINER [-f]
docker logs archivesspace -f
# to follow the logs for the service, which generally you'd want to do:
docker service logs -f as_archivesspace -n100

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: HOUR_OF_DAY: 2 -> 3:Java::JavaLang::IllegalArgumentException:

This error will apear in the logs when trying to start ArchivesSpace after daylight savings time. Reference:

Basically, the indexer user (or other user, but the indexer is the most likely culprit at 2am) is being updated in the database with a time that does not exist due to daylight savings time.

To verify query for users with an mtime in the most recent daylight savings date:

SELECT * FROM user WHERE (user_mtime >= '2022-03-13 02:00:00' and user_mtime <= '2022-03-13 03:00:00') OR (system_mtime >= '2022-03-13 02:00:00' and system_mtime <= '2022-03-13 03:00:00');

The record that should come back is the search_indexer user, but could come back with others too.

To resolve update that user (and/or others) with a valid timestamp:

UPDATE user set user_mtime = NOW(), system_mtime=NOW() where username='search_indexer';