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P2P-Nathan edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Community Management Pack Catalog (CMPC) UI wiki!

UI Overview

After importing the CMPC management pack, the Operations Manager console has a new section created under Administration with the title "Management Packs (Community)." Under this section, three additional views are available, each with specific functionality.

Searching for a SCOM Management Pack? The Discover Management Packs pane provides a user interface for navigating through all Management Packs contained within the CMPC. The below three methods are available for filtering and searching through management packs.

This view quickly answers the question "Are my community management packs up-to-date?" Using a similar format to the standard Management Packs pane in SCOM, only packs from the CMPC are displayed.

The settings on this UI pane can enable or disable alerts for management pack updates.