An image slideshow server written in Ruby on Rails.
Create Image model.Create POST API for accepting images.Fix Action Cable to update homepage with new images created.Create slideshow on homepage of 30 most recent images.Make homepage slideshow fullscreen & fit the images to it.
$ bundle install
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ rails s -b
Create a config/application.yml
file adding:
app_site_title: "MOD. Draw Your Pain"
projector_width: "1920"
projector_height: "1200"
deep_dream_server: "http://localhost:5000"
image_text_overlay_font_path: "/path/to/font.ttf"
After approving images from the /images
screen, and tapping the Update slideshow
button, the approved images will be saved to /public/slideshow/
To get these images to display fullscreen, auto-update when new images appear from Rails, and auto-start when the computer starts, I wrote these bash scripts to run at boot:
Generate slideshow by creating an image in a folder every 5 seconds*
cd /home/mod/Sites/mod-image-server/public/slideshow
while true ; do for i in $(find -type f | sort -r) ; do cp "$i" ~/slideshow.png ; echo $i ; sleep 5 ; done ; done
Show image full-screen in Ubuntu using eog
eog -f ~/slideshow.png
Start the Rails server on boot
#!/bin/bash -x
source /etc/profile
cd /home/mod/Sites/mod-image-server
rails s -b
I then used Ubuntu’s GUI System > Preferences > Startup Applications
to add these scripts to run on startup.
Released under an MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2017 MOD.