BuildingHelper v1.2.0
Added Repair
- Added keys to building_settings.kv to define repair values and path of the callbacks file
- If RIGHT_CLICK_REPAIR is enabled, clicks.js now sends a repair command when rightclicking buildings with missing health
- Added repair_modifiers inside libraries/modifiers folder, used to show stack of builders repairing the same unit. Names are modifier_repairing for the target, and modifier_builder_repairing for the builder.
You first need to define a repair ability by adding the ability name to the unit definition:
"RepairAbility" "repair_ability_name"
"CanAssistConstruction" "1"
keyvalue can be added on a repair ability to enable having more than one builder constructing buildings that were placed by abilities with "RequiresRepair" "1"
Added Library Dependency: keyvalues.lua
This short scripts make accessing all game keyvalues easier and eliminates the need for keeping them duplicated inside the building library.