#please read it. Hey friends of SMVDU Mech this is for you all every question number with question in comment and code written there.
Here for some question you have to install related library module 37b -numpy module - pip install numpy(run this command in terminal(mac,linux),cd(window) as this question i had practice in juypter notebook therefore there must be some difference so copy code line only and run it.) 37c- pandas module - pip install pandas (run this command in terminal(mac,linux),cd(window) as this question i had practice in juypter notebook therefore there must be some difference so copy code line only and run it.) 37d - matplotlib - pip install matplotlib(run this command in terminal(mac,linux),cd(window) as this question i had practice in juypter notebook therefore there must be some difference so copy code line only and run it.) 37e - turtle - pip install turtle(run this command in terminal(mac,linux),cd(window) as this question i had practice in juypter notebook therefore there must be some difference so copy code line only and run it.)
may be 37d and 37e can also demand to install some more module like tkinter kiwi etc so plz look for it
38 - plz make other file name of calc.py as it is user created module question which will require it.
some of the program will not run on online idle at there may be using python2 and some program like tupplle are different in pyhton3
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