####Gameplay Not ready yet. Will be a series of approximately 20 puzzles completed in sequence. They all conform to 12x16 cells dimension. There will be keys that unlock locked blocks, pushable blocks that go on switches to open doors, traps and teleporters.
####Puzzles : In Progress!
######from Morgan
####Status Basic puzzle engine builder created, not complete yet. Creates walls individually on all four sides of cells, snaps to grid, pieces such as locks, keys, teleporters, traps, tracks all as an array. Remaining to be implemented are block placement, and logic connecting game pieces, including specific keys to locks, specific teleport exit locations, and game logic tracking score and stage progression.
####Level Building usage plugin instructions Download game project. Go to Menu > PuzzleMaker. Click activate. Place your mouse pointer where you want to create game pieces or wall parts. A faded image will appear of the selected item, moved to the closest appropriate position, for wall parts, or game pieces. Open the BaseScene, create your puzzle, modify the Meta data (author, level name, difficulty), save as a new scene in the scenes folder under your name. When ready to push online to git, contact Ian.
####Credits Dante and Zack did main puzzle engine. Levels created by Jordan, Morgan, Nadia, Jabir, Matthew, and Ben.