Scripts and files used to perform the de novo assembly of Solanum chilense (LA1972).
The gene models predicted by Augustus are available in S.chilense.LA1972.gff
The organelle assemblies and annotations are available under organelles/
Molitor C, Kurowski TJ, Fidalgo de Almeida PM, Kevei Z, Spindlow DJ, Chacko Kaitholil SR, Iheanyichi JU, Prasanna HC, Thompson AJ, Mohareb FR. A chromosome-level genome assembly of Solanum chilense, a tomato wild relative associated with resistance to salinity and drought. Front Plant Sci. (2024) doi: PMID: 38525148; PMCID: PMC10957597.
- Solanum chilense assembly pipeline
- How to cite
- Table of Contents
- Data
- The assembly pipeline
- Running Augustus
- Circos
S. chilense (LA1972) raw sequencing, transcriptome and genome assembly have been deposited at the NCBI’s Sequence Read Archive, under the BioProject number PRJNA880259.
The Bionano optical mapping data is available as supplementary file of the Bioproject: "SUPPF_0000004381".
This Whole Genome Shotgun project has been deposited at DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under the accession JAPDHL000000000. The version described here is version JAPDHL010000000.
Version of the tools used to produce the assembly
- MaSuRCA v3.2.7
- redundans v0.13a
- SSPACE v1-1
- Hybrid Scaffold v1.0
- RefAligner v1.0
- Arcs v8.25
- Links v1.8.6
- Pilon v1.22
- BBMap v37.72
- GapFiller v1-10
- ALLHiC v0.9.13
- JuiceBox v1.11.08
- bwa v0.7.17
- perl v5.14.4
- samtools v1.9
- LongRanger v2.2.2
- Trimmomatic v0.39
- blast+ v2.6.0
- bedtools v2.27.1
- LACHESIS (git commit:
- sra-cleaning v0.2.0
Generating the initial assembly from the Illumina and PacBio reads.
# First generate the "" script from the config file
masurca -g config.txt
# Then run the script
To remove duplications from the contig assembly.
python2.7 -v -i /path/to/1490_R1.fastq /path/to/1490_R2.fastq /path/to/1494_R1.fastq /path/to/1494_R2.fastq -f final.genome.scf.fasta -o masurca237_redundans -t 60 --log redundans_masurca237.log
To scaffold the contigs, using information from the long reads.
perl -c dedup.genome.scf.fasta -p Sequelf1000_RSIIALL.fasta -b ./ - t 40
Scaffolding using the BioNano optical maps.
perl -B 1 -N 1 -f -n scaffolds.fasta -b exp_refineFinal1_contigs_C.cmap -c hybridScaffold_config.xml -o /path/to/3_hybridScaffold/ -r /path/to/RefAligner
Reintegrating the unmapped scaffolds with "" (see:
perl -x ../Hybrid_scaffold/hybrid_scaffolds/exp_refineFinal1_contigs_C_bppAdjust_cmap_scaffolds_fasta_NGScontigs_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.xmap -s ../Hybrid_scaffold/hybrid_scaffolds/exp_refineFinal1_contigs_C_bppAdjust_cmap_scaffolds_fasta_NGScontigs_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.fasta -f ../Hybrid_scaffold/hybrid_scaffolds/scaffolds.fasta
Scaffolding with the Chromium 10x data.
Interleaving the chromium 10x reads with LongRanger. /path/to/chromium_10x/ is the folder containing the paired 10x fastq files.
# First generate the interleaved file
longranger basic --id=chilense_10x_basic --fastqs=/path/to/chromium_10x/
# Then add the barcode to the file (needed for Arcs)
gunzip -c barcoded.fastq.gz | perl -ne 'chomp;$ct++;$ct=1 if($ct>4);if($ct==1){if(/(\@\S+)\sBX\:Z\:(\S{16})/){$flag=1;$head=$1."_".$2;print "$head\n";}else{$flag=0;}}else{print"$_\n" if($flag);}' > chromium_interleaved.fastq
Aligning the interleaved fastq to the assembly:
bwa index scaffolds_genome_post_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.fasta
bwa mem -t 60 scaffolds_genome_post_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.fasta -p chromium_interleaved.fastq > chilense_masurca327_reduced_SSPACE_HSf.sam
samtools view -b chilense_masurca327_reduced_SSPACE_HSf.sam -@ 40 > chilense_masurca327_reduced_SSPACE_HSf.bam
# The alignment.fof file will be used as input to Arcs:
echo "/path/to/chilense_masurca327_reduced_SSPACE_HSf.bam" > alignment.fof
Launching Arcs:
arcs -f scaffolds_genome_post_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.fasta -a alignments.fof -s 95 -c 5 -l 0 -z 500 -m 30-10000 -d 0 -e 30000 -r 0.05 -v 1
Launching Links (empty.fof is an empty file).
# Creating the checkpoint.tsv file for Links scaffolds_genome_post_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.fasta.scaff_s95_c5_l0_d0_e30000_r0.05_original.gv scaffolds_genome_post_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.Arcs.tigpair_checkpoint.tsv scaffolds_genome_post_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.fasta
# Launching Links:
LINKS -f ../scaffolds_genome_post_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.fasta -b ../scaffolds_genome_post_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.Arcs -s empty.fof -k 20 -l 5 -t 2 -v 1
Correcting errors and misassemblies with the Illumina reads (repeated twice).
# First, rename the sequence names to avoid errors related to ID length
sed 's/,/_/g' scaffolds_genome_post_HYBRID_SCAFFOLD.Arcs.scaffolds.fa > chilense_masurca327_scaffoldsReduced_sspace_HSfinish_RENAMED.fasta
bwa index chilense_masurca327_scaffoldsReduced_sspace_HSfinish_RENAMED.fasta
bwa mem -t 60 chilense_masurca327_scaffoldsReduced_sspace_HSfinish_RENAMED.fasta /path/to/1490_R1.fastq /path/to/1490_R2.fastq > chilense_1490.sam
bwa mem -t 60 chilense_masurca327_scaffoldsReduced_sspace_HSfinish_RENAMED.fasta /path/to/1494_R1.fastq /path/to/1494_R2.fastq > chilense_1494.sam
samtools view -b -@ 80 chilense_1490.sam > chilense_1490.bam
samtools view -b -@ 80 chilense_1494.sam > chilense_1494.bam
samtools sort -@ 80 chilense_1490.bam > chilense_1490.sorted.bam
samtools sort -@ 80 chilense_1494.bam > chilense_1494.sorted.bam
samtools index -@ 80 chilense_1490.sorted.bam
samtools index -@ 80 chilense_1494.sorted.bam
Running pilon:
java -jar -Xmx750G pilon-1.22.jar --genome chilense_masurca327_scaffoldsReduced_sspace_HSfinish_RENAMED.fasta --frags chilense_1490.sorted.bam --frags chilense_1494.sorted.bam --output pilon_corrected_assembly.fasta --outdir ./ --changes --fix all --threads 60
Removing duplicated contigs. in=pilon_corrected_assembly.fasta out=chilense_pilonRound2_deduped.fa outd=duplicateScaffolds.fasta threads=60 storequality=f absorbrc=t touppercase=t minidentity=90 minlengthpercent=0 minoverlappercent=0 maxsubs=40000 maxedits=5000 minoverlap=1000 k=31 -eoom -Xmx300G
Filling the gaps (stretch of N's) with the Illumina paired-end reads.
/usr/bin/perl5.22.1 -l libraries.txt -s chilense_pilonRound2_deduped.fa -m 20 -T 30 -b chilense_pilonr2_bbmap1
Hi-C reads were used to first correct the assembly, and then order and orient the scaffolds into chromosomes.
First trim the Hi-C reads:
java -jar trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE /path/to/Wild_Tomato_R1.fastq.gz /path/to/Wild_Tomato_R2.fastq.gz \
Wild_Tomato_R1_paired.fq.gz Wild_Tomato_R1_unpaired.fq.gz \
Wild_Tomato_R2_paired.fq.gz Wild_Tomato_R2_unpaired.fq.gz \
SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:50 -threads 60 -trimlog ./trim.log
Align the Hi-C reads to the assembly:
bwa index -a bwtsw -p
# -SP Align the pairs as independent single-end reads but still with all
# pair-related flags added properly.
# -5 for split alignment, take the alignment with the smallest coordinate as primary.
# -F 2316: only include reads with NONE of the FLAGS in INT (2316):
# read unmapped (0x4)
# mate unmapped (0x8)*
# not primary alignment (0x100)
# supplementary alignment (0x800)
bwa mem -t 50 -SP -5 Wild_Tomato_R1_paired.fq.gz Wild_Tomato_R2_paired.fq.gz | samtools view -h -b -F 2316 > Wild_Tomato_HiC.bam
samtools sort -n Wild_Tomato_HiC.bam -o Wild_Tomato_HiC.sorted.bam -@ 50
# First pre-process the BAM file with the perl script from LACHESIS to remove noise
perl ./LACHESIS/src/bin/ Wild_Tomato_HiC.sorted.bam
samtools index Wild_Tomato_HiC.sorted.REduced.sorted.bam
Correct the assembly based on the alignment:
ALLHiC_corrector -m Wild_Tomato_HiC.sorted.REduced.sorted.bam -r -o chilense.corrected.fasta -t 60 > Correct.log
Align the Hi-C reads against the corrected assembly:
bwa index -a bwtsw -p chilense.corrected chilense.corrected.fasta
bwa mem -t 50 -SP -5 chilense.corrected Wild_Tomato_R1_paired.fq.gz Wild_Tomato_R2_paired.fq.gz | samtools view -h -b -F 2316 > chilense_corrected_HiC.bam
samtools sort -n chilense_corrected_HiC.bam -o chilense_corrected_HiC.sorted.bam -@ 50
# As before, preprocess the BAM file
perl ./LACHESIS/src/bin/ chilense_corrected_HiC.sorted.bam chilense.corrected.fasta
# Filter the alignments with quality < 40 (to keep best alignments)
samtools view -b -q 40 -@ 50 chilense_corrected_HiC.sorted.REduced.bam > chilense_corrected_HiC.sorted.REduced.unique.bam
# Partition the scaffolds into clusters:
ALLHiC_partition -b chilense_corrected_HiC.sorted.REduced.unique.bam -r chilense.corrected.fasta -e MBOI -k 12 -m 25
# Extract the CLM files:
allhic extract chilense_corrected_HiC.sorted.REduced.unique.bam chilense.corrected.fasta --RE MBOI
# Optimize the clusters:
for cluster in $(find ./ -name "chilense_corrected_HiC.sorted.REduced.unique.counts_GATC.12g?*.txt");
cmd="allhic optimize ${cluster} chilense_corrected_HiC.sorted.REduced.unique.clm &";
eval ${cmd}
# Build the assembly
ALLHiC_build chilense.corrected.fasta
Create the needed .hic and .assembly files:
git clone
git clone --recursive matlock ; cd matlock ; make
cd ../
./juicebox_scripts/juicebox_scripts/ groups.agp groups.assembly
# BAM should be sorted by read name (-n)
./matlock/bin/matlock bam2 juicer chilense_corrected_HiC.sorted.bam out.links.txt
sort -k2,2 -k6,6 out.links.txt > out.sorted.links.txt
bash ./3d-dna/visualize/run-assembly groups.assembly out.sorted.links.txt
Here, use JuiceBox to correct misjoins from the .hic and .assembly files.
Then recreate the assembly from the reviewed .assembly file:
python ./juicebox_scripts/juicebox_scripts/ -a groups.reviewed.assembly -f ../2_correct_assembly/chilense.corrected.fasta
Removing and trimming the sequences listed in the Contamination.txt file received from the Sequence Read Archive after submission:
python -a -g augustus.with.hints.filtered.gff -c My_Contamination.txt -o chilense_cleaned/
The script is available at
First, repeats are masked with ReapeatMasker:
RepeatMasker -pa 50 --noisy --xsmall --lib repeats_master.fasta
The hints are created with the "" script from Augustus. "chilense.rna.merged.bam" comes from the alignment of the RNA-seq to the assembly with STAR. The resulting bam files are merged with "samtools merge".
/path/to/Augustus/auxprogs/bam2hints/bam2hints --intronsonly --in=chilense.rna.merged.bam --out=introns_chilense.gff
Runing Augustus with the hints:
augustus --species=tomato --UTR=on --softmasking=on --extrinsicCfgFile=extrinsic.M.RM.E.W.P.tomato.cfg --hintsfile=introns_chilense.gff --allow_hinted_splicesites=atac --alternatives-from-evidence=on > augustus.hints.gff
Extracting the sequences from the gff:
/path/to/Augustus/scripts/ augustus.hints.gff --seqfile
= Amino acid sequencesaugustus.hints.cdsexons
= Coding exon positions on genomeaugustus.hints.codingseq
= Coding sequences onlyaugustus.hints.mrna
= mRNA sequences
Below is a circos plot representing the final assembly.
From the outside to the inside, each layer represents:
- The list of pseudomolecules
- Gene density (purple = low density, yellow = high density)
- SNP density against S. lycopersicum
- SNP density against S. pennellii
- SNP density against S. chilense LA3111
- GC content (red = lower than genome mean, green = higher)
Please refer to our publication for more details.