This module can be used to convert weather stations observations in MAGDA format into ascii WRF format.
The module use go-netcdf to read a netcdf containing world orography data.
In order to use it, you need the developer version of the library provided by your distribution installed.
On ubuntu you can install it with:
sudo apt install libnetcdf-dev
On Typhoon, it can be loaded with the WRF-KIT2 module:
module load gcc-8.3.1/WRF-KIT2
The orography data is used to calculate the altitude of every weather station given their latitude and longitude coordinates.
You can download the orography file from
The file must be saved in path ~/.magda_ws2wrf/
An orography file is already usable by wrfprod
is already present in /data/safe/home/wrfprod/bin/magda_ws2wrf
This module implements a console command that can be used to convert observations from CSV to ascii WRF format.
Usage of mag_ws2wrf
mag_ws2wrf [options] <input file>...
-date string
date and hour of the stations data to filter [YYYYMMDDHH]
-domain string
domain of the stations to filter [MinLat,MaxLat,MinLon,MaxLon]
-outfile string
where to save converted file (default "./out")
- can be specified more than once. When multiple files are specified, their data is concatenated in a single output ASCII file.
- if date option is specified, only measurement of the date will be converted
- if domain is option is specified, only stations contained in that domain will be converted
- if no date or domain option are used, all data in input files is converted.
If not already installed, follow the instructions here to install the Go Workbench:: Install-go-environment
Clone this repository
git clone
cd magda_ws2wrf
- Compile the executable with this command:
go build ./cli/mag_ws2wrf