The cleanup script (run_analysis.R) does the following:
- Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set.
- Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
- Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set
- Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive activity names.
- Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
To run the script, source run_analysis.R
. After running, you will see the following output as the script works:
[run_analysis.R] Getting and Cleaning Data Project
[run_analysis.R] Author: William Bowers
[run_analysis.R] ---
[run_analysis.R] Starting up.
[run_analysis.R] Preparing to run analysis.
[run_analysis.R] Reading datasets.
[run_analysis.R] Getting dataset: /repos/Getting-and-Cleaning-Data-Project/data/test
[run_analysis.R] reading features...
[run_analysis.R] reading activities...
[run_analysis.R] reading subjects...
[run_analysis.R] Getting dataset: /repos/Getting-and-Cleaning-Data-Project/data/train
[run_analysis.R] reading features...
[run_analysis.R] reading activities...
[run_analysis.R] reading subjects...
[run_analysis.R] Joining datasets.
[run_analysis.R] Melting.
[run_analysis.R] Dcasting.
[run_analysis.R] Saving clean data to: /repos/Getting-and-Cleaning-Data-Project/data/cleaned.txt
- For both the test and train datasets, produce an interim dataset:
- Extract the mean and standard deviation features (listed in, section 'Extracted Features'). This is the
table. - Get the list of activities.
- Put the activity labels (not numbers) into the
table. - Get the list of subjects.
- Put the subject IDs into the
- Extract the mean and standard deviation features (listed in, section 'Extracted Features'). This is the
- Join the test and train interim datasets.
- Put each variable on its own row.
- Rejoin the entire table, keying on subject/acitivity pairs, applying the mean function to each vector of values in each subject/activity pair. This is the clean dataset.
- Write the clean dataset to disk.
The resulting clean dataset is in this repository at: data/cleaned.txt
. It contains one row for each subject/activity pair and columns for subject, activity, and each feature that was a mean or standard deviation from the original dataset.
X_* - feature values (one row of 561 features for a single activity) Y_* - activity identifiers (for each row in X_) subject_ - subject identifiers for rows in X_*