A good router should:
- work in a server or a client (or any other) environment
- be able to construct routes based on their name
- should have a simple API!
- not do the actual navigation!
- be framework agnostic
- be very minimal and simple!
Check out our website. And feel free to join our Discord server!
Releasing a new version should be done manually. Depending on the package you are releasing there is a slightly different process.
Make sure you have dotnet sdk 6.0 installed. Also install nuget.
Bump the versions in packages/net/Goodrouter/Goodrouter.csproj
Then create a package via
dotnet pack
Then commit your changes and push.
And publish the package via
dotnet nuget push packages/net/Goodrouter/bin/Release/*.nupkg
You need rust and cargo installed. Also install cargo-edit.
Then update the package version via (of course you can also bump minor of major)
cargo set-version --bump patch --package goodrouter
Then commit and push your changes to git.
Then publish the package to the registry
cargo publish --package goodrouter
Bump the package version via
npm --workspace goodrouter version patch
Then commit and push to git.
The publish the package via
npm --workspace goodrouter publish
You need to have the aws cli installed. And you need to be authenticated and authorized! Then install everything via npm install
, then build the project via
npm --workspace www run build
Then publish the website via
aws s3 sync --delete packages/npm/www/out s3://www.goodrouter.org