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Lion edited this page Aug 6, 2016 · 2 revisions

CommandCreator Plugin

by Lion Haupt (SupremeVoid)

How it works:

The broadcaster and moderators can create costumized commands. These commands can then be used by everyone. You can manage them with !list and !delete. You can create as many commands as you want. You can execute all commands directly to the bot via whisper chat or via public chat. In detail:

Create a command

To create a command use this syntax:

!command create (TITLE) (TEXT)

The title of the command has to have at least 2 characters and can only be 1 word. The text can be as long as you want.

List all commands

If you don't remember which commands you have created you can get a list of all created commands with:

!command list

This will give you a list with all commands, their id´s and texts.

Delete a command

If you did a mistake or you no longer need a specific command you can delete it with:

!command delete (ID)