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ValueListenable extensions

This package includes a set of useful ValueListenable extensions as well as new abstractions to build your own classes with a ValueListenable interface.

Extension methods


Is similar to addListener, but handles inline functions by returning a callback to cancel the subscription, thus relieving the caller to use a named function (which would later be used for removeListener).

Semantically it differs from addListener (and listen) in that it invokes the callback right away with the ValueListenable's current value.

final source = ValueListenable(1);

final cancel = source.connect((v) => print(v));
// prints 1

source.value = 2;
// prints 2



Creates a new ValueListenable that derives its value from a source ValueListenable mapped by the given function.

The caller of map receives ownership of the newly created ValueListenable and should later dispose it.

final source = ValueNotifier('hello');

final mapped = => v.length);
// mapped.value == 5

source.value = '';
// mapped.value == 0



Is a variant of addListener which returns a callback to unsubscribe and is thus useful for inline functions.

Like addListener it will be invoked for every subsequent change (but not the initial value).

final source = ValueListenable(1);

final cancel = source.listen((v) => print(v));
// prints nothing

source.value = 2;
// prints 2



The combineLatest* functions provide a map-like feature to be used with a number of ValueListenable inputs (2 to 20).

The returned output ValueListenable will update whenever any of the input changes (and the computed new value differs from the previous, as per the usual ValueNotifier comparison).

final a = ValueNotifier(0);
final b = ValueNotifier(0);

final maxValue = combineLatest(a, b, (a, b) => max(a, b));
// maxValue.value == 0

a.value = 5;
// maxValue.value == 5

b.value = 3;
// maxValue.value still 5, did recomputed internally but not notify a change to the outside

b.value = 9;
// maxValue.value == 9



The class-based relative of combineLatest* is useful to build state objects which are made up of small, independent parts or that depend on external inputs in addition to their internal state.

Rebuilding the output state from the ground up has many benefits: Unlike using copyWith on the previous state, one can't forget to update dependent fields, and the mapping/combination logic can be tested in isolation (if it's a free function or static method (which is recommended to not inadvertently depend on any other instance state)).

class _GreetingState extends CombinedValueListenable<String> {
  _GreetingState() {
    // A `connect*` method must be called once in the constructor body
    connect2(_firstName, _lastName, map);

  final _firstName = ValueNotifier('');
  final _lastName = ValueNotifier('');

  set firstName(String value) => _firstName.value = value;

  set lastName(String value) => _lastName.value = value;

  static String map(String firstName, String lastName) {
    return [
      if (firstName != '') firstName,
      if (lastName != '') lastName,
    ].join(' ');