RICS: Reverse Influential Community Search Over Social Networks.
Python 3.11.4
networkx 3.1
pymetis 2020.1
pip install networkx
pip install pymetis
pip install scipy
pip install numpy
# or
conda install networkx
conda install pymetis
conda install scipy
conda install numpy
# or
pip install - r requirements.txt
Our input data is *.gml
format, which is packed by nx.write_gml()
The input data in gml
file can be read by nx.read_gml()
as a nx.Graph
You can process the graph by the function in package networkx
usage: main.py [-h] [-i INPUT] [-DS DATASET] [-Lq KEYWORDS] [-R RADIUS] [-k SUPPORT] [-N NUMBER] [-q QUERY] [-d DISTANCE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
path of graph input file
name of dataset
a keywords set of target community
-R RADIUS, --radius RADIUS
an integer, the maximum radius of seed communities
-k SUPPORT, --support SUPPORT
an integer, the support of seed communities
-N NUMBER, --number NUMBER
the maximum user number of seed communities
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
the center node index of query target community
-d DISTANCE, --distance DISTANCE
the number of select distance pivots
Some examples are as follows:
conda activate RICS
cd ../
python main.py -i Out/precompute/synthetic/50000-125106-20-3/uni -DS synthetic -Lq 7,10,12,14,15 -R 2 -k 4 -N 10 -q 30807 -d 5
python main.py -i Out/precompute/synthetic/50000-125106-20-3/uni -DS synthetic -Lq 1,4,6,10,12 -R 2 -k 4 -N 10 -q 11908 -d 5
python main.py -i Out/precompute/synthetic/50000-125106-20-3/uni -DS synthetic -Lq 13,14,15,17,18 -R 2 -k 4 -N 10 -q 47727 -d 5
python main.py -i Out/precompute/synthetic/50000-125106-20-3/uni -DS synthetic -Lq 10,13,16,17,19 -R 2 -k 4 -N 10 -q 37902 -d 5
python main_G_RICS.py -i Out/pre-compute/Facebook/4039-88234-20-3 -DS facebook -Lq 16,3,13,10,6 -R 2 -k 4 -N 10 -q 4010 -d 5
python main_G_RICS.py -i Out/pre-compute/Facebook/4039-88234-20-3 -DS facebook -Lq 16,3,13,10,6 -R 2 -k 4 -N 10 -q 396 -d 5
python main_G_RICS.py -i Out/pre-compute/Facebook/4039-88234-20-3 -DS facebook -Lq 16,3,13,10,6 -R 2 -k 4 -N 10 -q 399 -d 5