Developed by Luke Hackett, Jack Engels, Jack Gilbride, Imalia Gonzalezova, Aaron Duggan, Alex Fields & Daniel Connaughton
HoloNav is a proof of concept mapping application built in Unity for the Hololens. It builds a HUD and route that is simple to follow and uses interactive voice commands for input.
- 64 Bit Windows 10 Pro, Education or Enterprise
- Unity Version 2018.3.4f with UWP Package
- Visual Studio 2017
- HoloLens Emulator Version 10.0.17763.134
- Mixed Reality ToolKit for Unity Version 2018.9.l0 vNext Beta
- Clone Repository on Machine.
- Open Hololens-Nav Project in Unity
- Go to Window -> Package Manager
- Install Windows Mixed Toolkit and Open VR
- Go to File -> Build Settings
- Click on Universal Windows Platform
- Select Target Device as 'Hololens' and Platform as 'x86'
- If there is a 'Switch Platform' button click it to confirm Platform
- Click on the 'Build' button at the bottom of the page and select 'Hololens-Nav/UWP/' as the build directory.
- At this stage after the build completes there should be a Mixed Reality Toolkit editor tab, select this and open the build menu.
- Build the Unity Project followed by the AppX project in this Window
- If you open the 'Hololens-Nav.sln' in the Build directory 'Hololens-Nav/UWP' you should be able to run this project on your emulator.