ImageChill works by detecting when your images are near the screen and then loading the high quality file in the background. When that image has been loaded and cached by the browser it swaps the src, src-set or inline background image attribute. This way the swap is instant and jank free. The user never sees an image loading so you can just chill and not worry about a thing man.
const iceCold = new ImageChill();
const iceCold = new ImageChill({
selector: ".lazyload",
loadedClass: "loaded",
src: "data-src",
srcSet: "data-src-set",
sizes: "data-sizes",
rootMargin: "0px",
Recomend setting height and width inline or in CSS to avoid size changing when larger image is added in.
<img class="image lazyload"
Use data-src-set and data-sizes the same way you would normally use srcset and sizes attributes. The data-sizes attribute is important to ensure the correct size image gets pre-loaded.
Here data-src will be added to src attribute which will only be used in the case of srcset not being supported (ie11 and older).
Great reference for how to use srcset
<img class="image lazyload"
data-src-set="./img/high-res.jpg 1000w,
./img/500px.jpg 500w,
./img/low-res.jpg 100w"
<div class="image--bg lazyload"
style="background-image: url('./img/low-res.jpg')"
.lazyload {
filter: blur(5px);
transition: filter 0.5s linear;
.lazyload.loaded {
filter: blur(0);
In our above example
const iceCold = new ImageChill();
Load all the images whether they are in the viewport or not.
Checks the document for any new images. Call this after adding images to the document dynamically.
Remove intersection observer and remove images elements from memory. 🥶💙
Image Chill uses intersection observer which is well supported except for ie11 and older.
If intersection observer is not supported Image Chill just downloads all the images right away, just the same as regular loading. So at least your users still get images.
It uses gulp, scss, browserSync, Rollup and buble.
_src/ - is where you work
dev/ - is where the browserSync server runs from
dist/ - contains the processed js files
npm install
- install dependenciesnpm run dev
- spins up the dev servernpm run build
- transpiles and builds final js files in dist/ folder