New H3 Mini announced. Features 3.2" screen and original thin encoder
This repository mainly focuses on hardcore DSP stuff. UI remains original HAVOC style.
GPS simulator / Analog TV demodulator(PAL) / Bluetooth receiver / NRF24L01 demod / improved Pocsag tx and rx (P/N phase).
Features above are developed and published from this repository. Later taken by Mayhem, and modified to some other UI/font.
No for H2 (close source, Do not buy or support)
Plausible for H1 with my add-on board
Most useful features of portapack are chosen and included in my version of firmware.
However, features below are only available in my firmware on H3/H3 SE.
Train Detector (NEW)
SSTV(robot8, martin m1&m2, scottie s1&s2, pd-120) receiving
NOAA receiving
Morse receiver
Improved Analog TV receiver
Improved Signal Generator and Soundboard (added AM support)
Built in microphone
Built in GPS receiver for location and time sync
Built in battery and level indicator
Built in barometer
Built in compass
Signal source can be commercial TV broadcasting signal
or HackTV with commands as below:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=832:576 output.mp4
hacktv -f 434000000 -m i -g 47 output.mp4