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Repository files navigation

Prisme - Lucca Design System

How to start

Just run npm start but remember to run an npm install beforehand

Schematics: the fastest way to add content

To use our schematics, run npm run build:schematics. You will then have access to the following schematics.

ng generate feature

The command ng generate feature will scaffold everything you need to add a new feature component.


  • relativePath/name


  • --component : (string) The component name in the ng package.
  • --directive : (string) The directive name in the ng package.
  • --guidelines : (bool) link this page to a guidelines md file.
  • --pipe : (string) The pipe name in the ng package.
  • --theme : (string) The name of the associated theme map.
  • --title (-t) : (string) The title of the feature.

ng generate example

The command ng generate example will add an example to a feature and generate the dedicated files.


  • relativePath/name


  • --ts : (bool) if example need to include TS


You want to document a new component called Table of content that will be listed under Components > Navigation. It has its own theme called tableOfContent. Here's the steps:

  1. ng generate feature components/navigation/table-of-content --theme tableOfContent -t "Table of content"
  2. ng generate example components/navigation/table-of-content/basic

Instead of writing the full path each time, you could go to applications\prisme\src\app\components\navigation\ and then do :

  1. ng generate feature table-of-content --theme tableOfContent -t "Table of content"
  2. ng g example table-of-content/basic --ts