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lh-dev is a VimL for plugins oriented toward coding. It provides language independent functions that can be used by these plugins. The functions themselves can be specialized on a filetype basis.

I'll first present options that end-user of plugins based on lh-dev may tune, then the API itself for coding plugin authors.

Note: Starting with v2.0.0, naming policies and coding style policies have been extracted to lh-style project.



This part is just a draft for the moment.





Function boundaries can be obtained with lh#dev#find_function_boundaries() The analysis currently relies on ctags and on |matchit|. The code can be specialized though (see Inherited filetypes).

Two mappings are also provided to select function boundaries, or to apply operators on function boundaries.

  • v_if in strict visual mode (not in select mode)
  • o_if on operators.

For instance:

  • vif selects the current function
  • yif |yank|s the current function
  • dif |delete|s the current function

This can also be used to define a way to jump to the start/end of the current function in languages such as C++:

" excerpt from [lh-cpp](
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :call lh#dev#_goto_function_begin()<cr>
onoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :<c-u>call lh#dev#_goto_function_begin()<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ][ :call lh#dev#_goto_function_end()<cr>
onoremap <silent> <buffer> ][ :<c-u>call lh#dev#_goto_function_end()<cr>



Import statements can be automatically added in files with

`lh#dev#import#add()`.  See the following templates that exploit it:
VimL:" C++ std::vector<> snippet
VimL: let s:value_start = '¡'
VimL: let s:value_end   = s:value_start
VimL: let s:marker_open  = '<+'
VimL: let s:marker_close = '+>'
VimL: call s:AddPostExpandCallback('lh#dev#import#add("<vector>")')
std::vector<¡s:Surround(1, '<+type+>')¡> <++>
VimL:" Python os.path.exists() snippet
VimL:" hint: os.path.exists()
VimL: let s:value_start = '¡'
VimL: let s:value_end   = s:value_start
VimL: let s:marker_open  = '<+'
VimL: let s:marker_close = '+>'
VimL: call s:AddPostExpandCallback('lh#dev#import#add("os", {"symbol": "path"})')
os.path.exists(¡s:Surround(1, '<+type+>')¡)<++>

Filetype polymorphism

Most features provided by lh-dev can be specialized according to the filetype, usually of the current file.


Options can be obtained with:

  • lh#ft#option#get(name, filetype [, default [, scopes]])

    This returns which ever exists first among: b:{filetype}_{name}, or g:{filetype}_{name}, or b:{name}, or g:{name}. {default} is returned if none exists. Default value for {default} is g:lh#option#unset.

  • lh#ft#option#get_postfixed(name, filetype [, default [, scopes]])

    This returns which ever exists first among: b:{name}_{filetype}, or g:{name}_{filetype}, or b:{name}, or g:{name}. {default} is returned if none exists. Default value for {default} is g:lh#option#unset.

    This flavour is more suited to variables like g:airline#extensions#btw#section and g:airline#extensions#btw#section_qf.

  • Filetype inheritance is supported.
  • The order of the scopes for the variables checked can be specified through the optional argument {scope}.
How to set these variables ?
  • g:{name} is a global default option for all filetypes best set from a .vimrc or a plugin
  • g:{filetype}_{name} is a global default option for a specific filetype (and its sub-filetypes) best set from a .vimrc or a plugin
  • b:{name} is a local option for all filetypes, best set for a vimrc_local, or possibly a ftplugin.
  • b:{filetype}_{name} is a local option for a specific filetype (and its sub-filetypes), best set for a vimrc_local, or possibly a ftplugin.


Entry point: lh#dev#{theme}#function()

Default function: lh#dev#{theme}#_function()

Specialized function: lh#dev#{filetype}#{theme}#_function()

lh#dev#option#call(name, filetype [, parameters])

lh#dev#option#pre_load_overrides(name, filetype [, parameters]) lh#dev#option#fast_call(name, filetype [, parameters])

Filetype inheritance



Language Analysis


ActivateAddons lh-dev
flavor 'LucHermitte/lh-dev'
  • Vundle/NeoBundle:
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib'
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-tags'
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-dev'
  • Clone from the git repositories
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib.git
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/lh-tags.git
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/lh-dev.git