ATS idenfication and quantification tools
This code still under development
git clone [email protected]:ygidtu/scATS.git
cd scATS
# install scATS as command line tool
python3 install
# Or just run source code
This function is used to test the function of sashimi plotting
Created by [email protected] at 2018.12.19 :return:
--version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
ats Inference :param debug: enable debug mode
count Postprocess: count ats and calculate psi
Identify ATSs based on aligned BAM files.
➜ afe git:(master) ✗ python ats --help
Usage: ats [OPTIONS] BAMS...
:param debug: enable debug mode
-g, --gtf PATH The path to genome annotation file in GTF format. [required]
-o, --output PATH The path to output file. [required]
-u, --utr-length INTEGER The length of UTR.
--n-max-ats INTEGER RANGE The maximum number of ATSs in same UTR.
--n-min-ats INTEGER RANGE The minimum number of ATSs in same UTR.
--min-ws FLOAT The minimum weight of ATSs.
--min-reads INTEGER The minimum number of reads in UTR.
--max-unif-ws FLOAT The maximum weight of uniform component.
--max-beta INTEGER The maximum std for ATSs.
--fixed-inference Inference with fixed parameters.
-d, --debug Enable debug mode to get more debugging
information, Never used this while
-p, --processes INTEGER RANGE How many cpu to use.
--remove-duplicate-umi Only kept reads with different UMIs for
ATS inference.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Quantification of ATSs.
➜ afe git:(master) ✗ python count --help
Usage: count [OPTIONS]
Postprocess: count ats and calculate psi
-i, --ats PATH The path to inferred ats sites.
-b, --bam PATH The file contains path to bams.
--delimiter TEXT The delimiter of input bam list
-o, --output PATH The path to output utr file, bed format.
-p, --processes INTEGER RANGE How many cpu to use.
-c, --compress Wheter to save in gzip format.
--bulk Wheter the input bam is Nanopore or
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Please prepare the genome annotation file in GTF format and corresponding genome sequance file in fasta format first.
cd simulation
# generate simulation data
python /path/to/gtf /path/to/fasta --n_jobs 2 --total 10000
# run ats model
python ../ ats -g ./tss.gtf -o ./inferred_sites.txt -p 4 ./simu.bam
utr gene_name transcript_name number_of_reads inferred_sites alpha_arr beta_arr ws L
1:1168755-1169255:+ MIR429 MIR429-201 27 1168924,1169077,1169096,1169101 169,322,341,346 5,5,10,5 0.07156744317872403,0.8035226895855316,0.03289719913137757,0.08391005080588618,0.008102617298480465 500
1:1891221-1891721:+ AL109917.1 AL109917.1-201 10 1891223,1891474,1891539 2,253,318 5,5,10 0.3979824461238993,0.2978253162745582,0.2929895754731792,0.01120266212836311 500
- utr: the genomic location of UTR.
- gene_name: the name of host gene of this UTR.
- transcript_name: the name of host transcripts of this UTR.
- number_of_reads: the number of reads used to infer ATS sites in corresponding UTR.
- inferred_sites: the inferred ATS sites, multiple sites were seperate by comma.
- alpha_arr: the alpha of guassion distribution.
- beta_arr: the beta of guassion distribution.
- ws: weights of each ATS sites, and weights of reads not belong to each ATS sites.
- L: the length of UTR, which may larger than 500 (default UTR length). Due to overlapped UTR merging.