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Stage 0. Self-Study


Front-End Basics

Advanced Topics

Git and GitHub

Not quite clear at first, it became clear later. Absolutely like gitbranching.
Almost all the commands were new to me, Git is logical, understandable, surprisingly interesting. Can't wait using branches and resolving merge conflicts!

Linux CLI, and HTTP

I was impressed to discover the command line capabilities. Command line is cool! Who needs UI?

  • Linux Survival
  • Read the article "HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know"
  • Good understanding of http:

Absolutely need more info about The Protocol every developer must know.

Git Collaboration

What's new:

  • multiple remote directories
  • difference between git fetch and git pull
  • contributing via forking repos
  • git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all

To contribute

  • read file
  • use topic branch
  • make frequent, smaller commits
  • be clear and polite

Here are my screenshots:
Version Control with Git, Udacity
GitHub & Collaboration, Udacity

Definitely going to make a lot of pull requests, hope to contribute in future))

Intro to HTML and CSS

What was new to me:

  • fallback fonts
  • adding local fonts to a document with the @font-face property
  • margin: 0 auto
  • vertical margins collapse
  • HSL colors
  • relative sizing unit — fr
  • CSS transitions
  • how clear property works

What surprised me - how much I liked it, not just learning new rulesets, but writing my own lines of code.

Interested in more practice with:

  • CSS selectors
  • position and display properties
  • grids
  • elegant flexboxes

Intro to HTML & CSS, Udacity
Learn HTML, codecademy
Learn CSS, codecademy
HTML & CSS free lesson on HTML Academy

Responsive Web Design

What became a useful discovery to me:

  • media queries, breakpoints
  • common responsive patterns: column drop, mostly fluid, layout shifter, off canvas
  • responsive tables techniques
  • the browser reports the width in DIPs (remember about a device pixel ratio)
  • good to use: relative units, font-boosting, common sense

What surprised me? There is another big topic to learn - responsive images! What do I intend to use in future? Any technique or tip that will help me to do the layout responsive and the site more user-friendly!

My screenshots:
Responsive Web Design Fundamentals, Udacity
Flexbox Froggy

HTML & CSS practice: Hooli-style Popup

It was great!! I missed some instructions and spent a lot of time trying to make the popup look exactly like on the picture. Good lesson for me to be more attentive.
I learned how to make a little triangle so that popup looks like going from definite icon. I trained to use flexbox, made my first real commits, understood they must be more frequent. It was pleasure to write code, so as rewrite.

JS Basics

Notes I leave here (and what was new):

  • JS - loosely typed programming language
  • data types: boolean, null, undefined, number, string, symbol and Object
  • use camelCase for variables
  • ternary operator
  • functions, powerful and complicated, callback
  • const, let, var variables, block and global scope
  • destructuring assignment
  • Functional programming: pure, isolated functions, avoid mutations and side effects, always declare dependencies and stay calm!

Intro to JS, Udacity
Basic JS, freecodecapm
ES6, freecodecapm
Basic Data Srucrutes, freecodecapm
Basic Algorithm Scripting, freecodecapm
Functional Programming, freecodecapm
Intermediate Algorithm Scripting, freecodecapm

Document Object Model

What was new to me:

  • what DOM is, as a representation of HTML
  • to access to DOM use a special object document, which is expected to already exist
  • document and element objects methods
  • use Document Fragment to create a DOM subtree within it and then append the DOM
  • reflow & repaint
  • JS is single-threaded, uses The Call Stack (which basically a list of the functions that are running)
  • events: the target, the type, the listener
  • event delegation
  • event loop, and queue

What surprised me was how easy we can make changes to html document using DOM methods.
It would be good to minimize browser reflow, and get a clear understanding of synchronicity of JS.
What you intend to use in future - DOM methods, events. Every single lesson of Udacity's DOM course made me close to understanding how JavaScript works.

My screenshots:
JS and the DOM, Udacity
Intermediate Algorithm Scripting, freecodecapm

Building a tiny JS world

What surprised me was how much debug could be needed in my project!

Not in vain I read the article about copying objects in JS:

  • the assignment operator doesn't create a copy, but assigns a reference to copied object
  • if you copy object by looping through it you are naive
  • shallow copy Object.assign() duplicate top-level properties, but nested objects are shared between source and target
  • deep copy speaks for itself, but it doesn't copy user-defined object methods
  • shallow copy works for copying circular objects, deep copy doesn't
  • to copy object use extend, to copy a reference Object.create()

Object-Oriented JavaScript

I'm excited about Udacity course, I wish I had an eidetic memory to remember all the information I learn! About course, things that surprised me, or which were new are countless. So I'll leave all my notes here.

About scopes:

  • lexical scope - built as the code is written, curl braces {} make a new scope
  • there is a global scope, which includes all written code
  • curl braces {} of if/loop constructions don't create a new scope
  • execution contexts (in memory scope) are built as the code runs
  • to retain access to function from outer scope:
    • save that function to a global variable
    • return function from its outer function
    • pass to setTimeout

Keyword this:

  • keyword this bound to the object found to the left of the dot where the containing function is called
  • this as a parameter of the method indication
  • use .call to bound this to needed object
  • using new bounds this to brand new object

Prototype chain:

  • object which holds a link to another object is its prototype
  • prototype chain makes objects look similar to other objects
  • instanceof operator checks if the prototype property of a constructor appears anywhere in the prototype chain of an object

Functional class pattern:

  • the class builds the object that it's going to augment, whereas he decorator accepts the object that it's going to augment as an input
  • to add methods to class make them properties of class function

Prototypal class pattern:

  • it is: function to make instances, the line inside to generate a new instance object, a prototype with properties and making instance delegate to that prototype
  • keyword prototype to describe the methods container object
  • someObj's prototype is someObj.prototype
  • prototype.constructor property

Pseudo-classical class pattern:

  • magic keyword new for constructor mode

Superclass and subclasses:

  • it is good idea for avoiding duplicating code
  • .call method to call the needed function (invoke class) in the right context with the parameter this
  • to delegate from subclass .prototype object to superclass .prototype use Object.create
  • set the subclass' constructor to the right constructor
  • add additional extra functionality, and voila!

I intend to use prototype chain, pseudo-classical pattern, subclassing, keyword this, and every single bit of knowledge, which could be needed in writing good code.

Absolutely love codewars, love math and this is the gift - the perfect way to spend free time for me))

OOP, Udacity
My codewars progress, my profile

OOP exercise


Offline Web Applications

Memory pair game


Website Performance Optimization

Friends App


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