Takes an arbitrary number of input files and analyzes there word frequencies.
py FrequencyAnalyzer.py outputFile.path input1.file input2.file inputN.file
in console.
For Example:
py FrequencyAnalyzer.py output.csv sel1-1_S2.input sel1-1_S9.input
Input files need to have one word per line. lines with bad content or having lengths other than specified in the Settings are ignored.
Filters words that were not seen in all specified result files
py FilterResult.py filteredOutput.csv inputFile.csv [1,2,..,N]
in console.
For Example:
py FilterResult.py filteredOutput.csv inputFile.csv [1,2,7]
Input file needs to specify a sperator within first line.
- Daniel Graf Hoyos - Initial work - Loxos