This project contains a basic ansible project setup. You can clone it and remove the .git/
tp start a new project.
You can use rake
to make your life easier:
rake -T
rake ansible:create_role # create new role
rake ansible:install # install requirements
rake ansible:update # update requirements
rake production:deploy # Deploy to production
rake production:describe-setup # Show node setup of production
rake production:ping # Run ping against nodes of production
rake production:prepare # Prepare hosts for ansible in production.inventory.yml
rake production:vault # Edit production.vault.yml for editing
rake site:create # Create new ansible site (playbook, inventory, vault) and open the vault after it
- define and install all dependencies:
rake ansible:install
- you can update them as well:
rake ansible:update
- if needed, create an environment (site):
rake site:create <environment>
- if needed, create roles:
rake ansible:create_role <role name>
- prepare the hosts (only on the first time a host joins):
rake <environment>:prepare
- deploy the configuration:
rake <environment>:deploy
That's it. Enjoy :)