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iOS player for .lottie and .json files.

Supported Devices

Currently this package supports a mimimum iOS version of 15.4+ for iPhone and iPad. MacOS is supported for versions 12.0 and upwards.


Full documentation available on the developer portal.

  1. Install the dependancy

Via the Swift Package Manager

To install via Swift Package Manager, in the package finder in Xcode, search for LottieFiles/dotlottie-ios or use the full Github path:

  1. Import DotLottie
import DotLottie
  1. How to use

The DotLottieAnimation class will store the playback settings of your animation. It will also allow you to control playback via the play / pause functions.

3a. SwiftUI

Set up DotLottieAnimation inside a View. Optionally pass playback settings.

Load from an animation (.lottie / .json) from the main asset bundle.

struct AnimationView: View {
    var body: some View {
        DotLottieAnimation(fileName: "cool_animation", config: AnimationConfig(autoplay: true, loop: true)).view()

Load an animation (.lottie / .json) from the web.

struct AnimationView: View {
    var body: some View {
            webURL: ""

Load directly from a String (.json).

struct AnimationView: View {
    var body: some View {
            animationData: "{"v":"4.8.0","meta":{"g":"LottieFiles AE..."

3b. UIKit - Storyboard

Coming soon!

3c. UIKit - Programmatic approach

class AnimationViewController: UIViewController {
    var simpleVM = DotLottieAnimation(webURL: "", config: AnimationConfig(autoplay: true, loop: false))
    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        let dotLottieView = simpleVM.view()



DotLottieAnimation instances expose the following properties:

Property Type Description
currentFrame() Float Represents the animation's currently displayed frame number.
duration() Float Specifies the animation's total playback time in milliseconds.
totalFrames() Float Denotes the total count of individual frames within the animation.
loop() Bool Indicates if the animation is set to play in a continuous loop.
speed() Float Represents the playback speed factor; e.g., 2 would mean double speed.
loopCount() Int Tracks how many times the animation has completed its loop.
mode() Mode Reflects the current playback mode.
isPaused() Bool Reflects whether the animation is paused or not.
isStopped() Bool Reflects whether the animation is stopped or not.
isPlaying() Bool Reflects whether the animation is playing or not.
manifest() Manifst Returns the .lottie's manifest file.
segments() (Float, Float) Reflects the frames range of the animations. where segments[0] is the start frame and segments[1] is the end frame.
backgroundColor() CIImage Gets the background color of the canvas.
autoplay() Bool Indicates if the animation is set to auto play.
useFrameInterpolation() Bool Determines if the animation should update on subframes. If set to false, the original AE frame rate will be maintained. If set to true, it will refresh with intermediate values. The default setting is true.


DotLottieAnimation instances expose the following methods that can be used to control the animation:

Event Description
play() Begins playback from the current animation position.
pause() Pauses the animation without resetting its position.
stop() Halts playback and returns the animation to its initial frame.
setSpeed(speed: Int) Sets the playback speed with the given multiplier.
setLoop(loop: Bool) Configures whether the animation should loop continuously.
setFrame(frame: Float) Directly navigates the animation to a specified frame.
load(config: Config) Loads a new configuration or a new animation.
loadAnimation(animationId: String) Loads the animation by id. Animation id's are visible inside the manifest, recoverable via the manifest() method.
setMode(mode: Mode) Sets the animation play mode.
setSegments(segments: (Float, Float)) Sets the start and end frame of the animation.
setBackgroundColor(color: CIImage) Sets the background color of the animation.
setFrameInterpolation(useFrameInterpolation: Bool) Use frame interpolation or not.
resize(width: Int, height: Int) Manually resize the animation.

Event callbacks

The DotLottieAnimation instance emits the following events that can be listened to via a class implementing the Observer protocol:

class YourDotLottieObserver: Observer {
    func onComplete() {
    func onFrame(frameNo: Float) {
    func onLoad() {
    func onLoadError() {
    func onLoop(loopCount: UInt32) {
    func onPause() {
    func onPlay() {
    func onRender(frameNo: Float) {
    func onStop() {

// In your view code

var animation = DotLottieAnimation(...)
var animationView = DotLottieView(dotLottie: animation)
var myObserver = YourDotLottieObserver()

animationView.subscribe(observer: myObserver)

Event Description
onComplete Emitted when the animation completes.
onFrame(frameNo: Float) Emitted when the animation reaches a new frame.
onLoad Emitted when the animation is loaded.
onLoadError Emitted when the animation failed to load.
onLoop(loopCount: UIint32) Emitted when the animation completes a loop.
onPause Emitted when the animation is paused.
onPlay Emitted when the animation starts playing.
onRender(frameNo: Float) Emitted when the frame is rendered.
onStop Emitted when the animation is stopped.