This webapp is an "engine" for managing the trading of "stocks", the excuse for COMP4711 assignments in the Winter 2016 term..
If there are problems with the game engine, please raise an issue for each. I will find out them sooner than otherwise, and you will be notified when these are solved.
Some of the programming design decisions reflected:
- The architecture adheres more to the "model-view-adapter" convention, where the view is unaware of the source of data and the model is unaware of how any data might be presented. The controllers are go-betweens.
- Views are templated - an overall one for page layout, and then individual templates for the panels that are assembled to make up a page.
- View fragments are used to style single "records" on their own, improving cohesion.
- A base controller takes care of assembling finished pages, using the master template.
- A base model takes care of CRUD functionality.
- The CodeIgniter framework folder has been moved outside of the webapp, in this case to a "system3" folder at the same hierarchy level as the document root.
- An ".htaccess" file is incorporated, to configure Apache to remove index.php from any URLs.
/data | avatar images, XML data |
/application | the obvious |
/assets | CSS, javascript & media |
/public | folder for public XML-related documents |
Assumed: CI system folder is in ../system3
Please see the license agreement
The COMP4711 students have been tasked with building stock trader webapps, which will broker the purchase and sale of stocks for their users.
This webapp provides backend support for those agent webapps, and should prove particularly useful for testing :-/
This webapp was written by James Parry, Instructor in Computer Systems Technology at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, and Project Lead for CodeIgniter.
CodeIgniter is a project of B.C.I.T.