A full-scale customer-support-system for "premium" passengers of the fictional airline "BlueJay". Customers can use the mobile app to get in touch with customer support; airline staff can log-in to the help-desk web-app and interact with tickets issued by customers.
- Help-Desk-App (Next.js):
https://bluejay-helpdesk.herokuapp.com/ - Mobile-App (React Native with Expo):
https://expo.dev/@lorenz-arthur/bluejay-premium-app - API (GraphQL, Apollo-Server-Express):
Try it out yourself
- Help-Desk-App
- Mobile App
- Data-Base Schema - drawSQL
- Wire-Frames (example) - Figma
- Functionality-Map - Miro
- System Architecture - Excalidraw
- Open the help-desk app (https://bluejay-helpdesk.herokuapp.com) as well as the API (bluejay-api.herokuapp.com/graphql) (in order to "wake up" the API server) - this may take a moment.
- Log in using Employee ID "00001" and Password "JenniferTestPassword1"
- You are now logged in as "Jennifer" with admin-rights
- See tickets, click on any to write responses, close them, delete them, assign them to team members or change their priority status
- Try out the various filter-methods in the sidebar or above
- Click on the pie-chart icon on the left to inspect ticket report data, change the time window with the calendar functionality
- Log out and log in again, using Employee ID "00002" and Password "JohnTestPassword1"
- You are now logged in as "John" without admin-rights
- See only tickets assigned to John, missing the admin functionalities
- Register at EXPO and download the Expo mobile app (scan the QR code) (https://expo.dev/@lorenz-arthur/bluejay-premium-app) to your phone
- Create a new user by following the link beneath the log-in
- Log in with your newly created e-mail and password
- Press Contact, then Messages
- Create a new message and press send
- You can now go back to the help-desk app (see instructions above) and inspect the newly created ticket, send a response there and re-inspect that response in the Expo app.
Help-Desk Web-App
- Cookie-based employee-authentication (log-in)
- Authorization (admin-rights)
- Inspect tickets
- Filter tickets (status, category, urgency,only unassigned, etc.)
- Admin: assign individual tickets or change urgency
- Close, delete, reopen tickets
- Admin: ticket-report-page: inspect information about all tickets issued in a given time-period (that can be adjusted)
Mobile App
- Cookie-based customer-authentication (log-in / register)
- Send a new message (create a ticket)
- Choose a category for the new ticket and a title
- Respond within the opened ticket
- Notification on the button "Contact", indicating that the customer has received a message from the airline staff but did not yet respond
- Help-Desk Web-App
- Typescript
- Next.js
- Emotion (CSS-in-JS)
- Jest (unit testing)
- Cypress (E2E-testing)
- Mobile App
- React Native
- Developed with Expo
- GraphQL
- Apollo-Server
- Express
- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- Using Yarn Workspaces (Monorepo)