Python script that generate PIN and password with a litthe (very simple flat) GUI.
This generate random password using all the character sets: lowercase, uppercase, number and special.
This generate ramdon PIN using only number character set.
If you want to use the ".py" source code you need to install Python3
Then setup your user env variable (it is easier to do through the install of Python).
Otherwise you only needs to double click on the exe.
You will find an AIO (which is basically the PIN and password generator in tabs) and the 2 generators.
The 1st field under "Password/PIN Lenght" determine the lenght of the generated output.
The 1st button "Generate" is creating the output and display it just under the button.
The 2nd button "Copy to Clipboard" copy the last generated password/PIN
This 2 generators has been created half by me/friends (initial code) then by ChatGPT (was curious about that big boy).
The AIO exe has been initiated by CHatGPT and I modified it (it removed my "Copy to Clipboard" button...).
These are under no license. So you can use it as you wish.