Reference setup for The Things Network gateways based on the RisingHF 915MHz 8-Channel LoRa concentrator with a Raspberry Pi host.
This installer targets the SPI version of the board.
Connect Raspberry Pi to Ethernet or WiFi
Use raspi-config utility to enable SPI and also expand the filesystem:
$ sudo raspi-config
Reboot (it will ask on exit, but you can do it manually with sudo reboot)
Configure locales and time zone:
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Optional, you can follow this step if you are using fresh Raspbian image
Make sure you have an updated installation and install
:$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo apt-get install git
Optional, you can follow this step if you wish to use WiFi instead of Ethernet
Configure the wifi credentials (check here for additional details)
$ sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
And add the following block at the end of the file, replacing SSID and password to match your network:
network={ ssid="The_SSID_of_your_wifi" psk="Your_wifi_password" }
Clone the installer and start the installation
$ git clone ~/RisingHF-gateway $ cd ~/RisingHF-gateway $ sudo ./
By default, AU920-global_conf.json will be used. By declaring which band you are going to use in installation, different global_conf.json will be installed. For more info, please refer to gateway-conf.
- AU_915 -
$ sudo ./ AU_915
- AU_920 -
$ sudo ./ AU_920
- MY_919 -
$ sudo ./ MY_919
- US_902 -
$ sudo ./ US_902
- AU_915 -
Big Success! You should now have a running gateway in front of you!
These scripts are largely based on the awesome work by Ruud Vlaming on the Lorank8 installer.